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Probability and statistics help to bring logic to a world replete with randomness and uncertainty. This course will give you tools needed to understand data, science, philosophy, engineering, economics, and finance. You will learn not only how to solve challenging technical problems, but also how you can apply those solutions in everyday life.
With examples ranging from medical testing to sports prediction, you will gain a strong foundation for the study of statistical inference, stochastic processes, randomized algorithms, and other subjects where probability is needed.
Familiarity with U.S. high school level algebra concepts; Single-variable calculus: familiarity with matrices. derivatives and integrals.
Not all units require Calculus, the underlying concepts can be learned concurrently with a Calculus course or on your own for self-directed learners.
Units 1-3 require no calculus or matrices; Units 4-6 require some calculus, no matrices; Unit 7 requires matrices, no calculus.
Previous probability or statistics background not required.