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Learn Oracle SQL with online courses and programs

Oracle SQL is a powerful database management system used by businesses to store and manage large amounts of data. Learn to create queries and analyze data with ease in online courses from edX.

What is Oracle SQL?

Oracle SQL is a database management system that allows users to store and manage large amounts of data. Users interact with Oracle databases via Structured Query Language (SQL) commands to create, modify, and delete tables, as well as retrieve data.1

Oracle SQL offers a comprehensive set of tools for managing databases, providing the ability to manage users, assign permissions, and create backups of databases. It also includes advanced features such as partitioning, clustering, and compression to help optimize data storage and retrieval, as well as reporting tools for creating custom reports, charts, and graphs.

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Oracle SQL course curriculum

Learners interested in familiarizing themselves with Oracle SQL have a variety of online options to choose from, depending on their needs and previous level of knowledge. For those with no prior knowledge, an introductory course may cover concepts such as:

  • SQL basics: Table creation and modification, querying data using SELECT statements, filtering data with WHERE clauses, and sorting data with ORDER BY clauses.

  • Grouping and joining tables:Grouping functions such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX, which allow you to aggregate data in various ways.

  • Data manipulation:Data manipulation using SQL statements to query and modify database data; the use of statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE; and how to manipulate strings using the Oracle SQL substring function.

Those with SQL knowledge may move on to intermediate level coursework which can cover concepts such as:

  • SQL query optimization: Modifying queries to optimize server performance, including index creation, EXPLAIN PLAN analysis, and query efficiency. May also cover limiting results for optimal query performance using the Oracle SQL limit clause.

  • Working with data types: Querying different data types, including JSON and XML, as well as how to retrieve specific values using temporal tables and transpose rows in columns using the Oracle SQL pivot operator.

Upon completion of the introductory and intermediate courses, learners may be ready to delve into the more advanced topics in the Oracle SQL curriculum, such as window functions, subqueries, and common table expressions (CTEs) to simplify complex subqueries. They may also cover how to apply the SQL skills learned throughout this curriculum with hands-on activities, as well as complex data extraction and management from tables parsed from a fictional database to showcase real-world problems and how to use Oracle live SQL.

Learning how to use Oracle SQL can supplement your knowledge of SQL and database management. edX offers a variety of educational opportunities for learners interested in studying these topics, as well as a host of other disciplines. A boot camp can provide flexible, hands-on learning for those who want to upskill quickly, while executive education courses are designed for busy professionals. You can also pursue a more comprehensive curriculum in a bachelor’s degree program or, for more advanced learners, a master’s degree program. Find the right learning path for you.

Explore Oracle SQL jobs

Once learners feel confident with their training, they may want to apply Oracle SQL skills in a career that utilizes programming, data analysis and manipulation, or data engineering skills. Examples of jobs in which these skills can be useful include:

  • Software developer: Creates and maintains software applications that meet specific business or user needs. These professionals collaborate with cross-functional teams to design, develop, and implement new software, as well as upgrade existing systems.2

  • Cryptographer: Writes ciphers and complex algorithms that protect sensitive data from unauthorized access. These professionals also analyze and evaluate existing security systems to identify potential vulnerabilities and recommend improvements.3

  • Data analyst: Collects, organizes, and interprets large sets of data to identify customer patterns and trends to help businesses make informed decisions. These professionals use data visualization, reports, and presentations to communicate their findings to stakeholders.4

  • Cybersecurity specialist: Discovers vulnerabilities and security risks in systems, networks, and data storage. These professionals use their expertise to develop and implement solutions to mitigate these risks and protect against cyber threats.5

  • QA automation engineer: Develops and implements testing strategies and frameworks to ensure the quality and functionality of software applications. These professionals write code to automate website UI testing and may utilize SQL to parse dummy data during testing.6

  • Data scientist: Analyzes raw data and extracts patterns and trends. These professionals act as data strategists and are responsible for identifying and integrating new datasets to improve products for consumers.7

Each of these roles will have different education and skill requirements. For example, you may be able to build relevant skills in a data analytics boot camp. However, some employers may seek candidates with a bachelor’s degree in data science. Research potential roles you would like to pursue before deciding on which learning path will align with your professional aspirations.

How to use Oracle SQL for databases

Oracle SQL is a popular querying language in the field of database management, and professionals from various fields rely on it to handle data in their day-to-day work.

For example, cryptographers are responsible for ensuring the security and integrity of sensitive data. They may use Oracle SQL to encrypt data with hierarchical encryption using keys and certificates.

Data scientists, on the other hand, could rely on a product like Oracle SQL to extract valuable insights from vast and complex datasets. They use SQL queries to retrieve relevant data subsets, perform data transformations and aggregations, and identify patterns and trends.

Data analysts might leverage Oracle SQL to efficiently analyze and interpret data for reporting and decision-making purposes. For example, data analysts may run SQL queries to create information reports, such as annual sales trends or customer retention metrics.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Introduction to Oracle SQL. (2019). Oracle. Retrieved May 13, 2023.

  2. Software Developer Job Description. (2023). Indeed. Retrieved May 16, 2023.

  3. What Does a Cryptographer Do? (With Definition and Skills). (2023). Indeed. Retrieved May 16, 2023.

  4. Data Analyst Job Description. (2023). Indeed. Retrieved May 16, 2023.

  5. What Does a Cybersecurity Specialist Do? A Definitive Guide. (2022). Indeed. Retrieved May 16, 2023.

  6. QA Automation Engineer Job Description. (2023). Betterteam. Retrieved May 16, 2023.

  7. Data Scientist Job Description. (2023). Indeed. Retrieved May 16, 2023.