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Want to produce and record your own music?
This course will help you do that by showing you how to apply new technologies to your own creative practice, using freeware and browser based apps.
Music Technology Foundations draws on Adelaide’s world-class pioneering expertise in making electronic music, to provide a great foundation to a career in music and to enable any learner to use technology in creative ways.
In this course, you’ll learn about the core principles of music technology, including sound, audio, MIDI, effects and sequencing.
Week 1: Introduction to sound
Week 2: Digital Audio
Week 3: MIDI - The Musical Instrument Digital Interface
Week 4: Synthesis
Week 5: Effects and processing
Week 6: Pulling it all together
Head of Studies, Popular Music and Creative Technologies Program • University of Adelaide
Lecturer, Electronic Music, Sound Design, Sonic Arts and Music Technology • University of Adelaide
Head of Studies, Sonic Art, Elder Conservatorium • University of Adelaide