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In this course we will investigate different planning levels, mining methods, downstream beneficiation activities and ancillary services. There will be an emphasis on the mine life-cycle that highlights the opportunities for integration along the value chain.
Through this course you will gain an understanding of the key unit procedures involved in different mining operations as you become familiar with different methods of exploiting an orebody, and the various intermediate products that are sold at different stages along the value chain. We will use a systems perspective that highlights the opportunities for integration along the value chain to meet multi-faceted objectives including profitability, efficiency, safety and sustainability. This will allow for the exploration of how the application of orebody knowledge across the mining life-cycle can have significant impacts on mining and processing operations.
You will be introduced to the relevant processing stages that follow the discovery and mining of mineral deposits, focusing on the various unit operations in the treatment of an orebody from identification through to a marketable mineral product.
This interactive course incorporates videos, expert insights, case studies and discussions to deepen your current understanding of the technical operations of a mining business.
Students who complete this course will be able to:
Here's what some of our learners liked about our course:
"The Mine Economics part of was my favorite one because most of the concepts are new to me (and) gives me the eagerness to learn more about it."
"The Mine Planning (content) gave me a greater appreciation on how to plan through the phases of a mine life."
"The learnings outside my own area and engaing with other areas of my operation increased my knowledge and understanding."