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Find out how you can lead coalitions for change from wherever you are in your organization in order to build and sustain recruitment practices that enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion in your healthcare team and foster inclusivity in the workplace.
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In this course, you will discover ways to intentionally build and sustain recruitment practices that enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion in your healthcare team. You will learn how to recognize the power of diverse teams and explore ways in which to impact diversity in recruitment. You will gain insight into the barriers to building inclusive teams, the strategies to foster inclusivity in the workplace, and the impact of microaggressions on patients and providers. You will also learn how to equip yourself to lead coalitions for change by examining frameworks to build and implement your DEI strategic plans.
Determine how biases can impede DEI in the healthcare workplace and the consequences of this.
Investigate strategies for mitigating the impact of personal and systemic bias throughout the recruitment process.
Determine how microaggressions impact patients, providers, and team members in the healthcare setting.
Reflect on how you can proactively repair relationships and address instances of exclusion in your workplace.
Analyze the considerations for meaningfully driving change in the workplace.
Reflect on what success looks like for your change plan and how you could measure it.
Senior Associate Dean, Faculty Development and Diversity, Taube Professor of Global Health and Infectious Diseases, Professor of Pediatrics (Infectious Diseases) and Epidemiology and Population Health, Stanford University School of Medicine • Stanford University
Associate Dean, Faculty Development and Diversity, Stanford University School of Medicine • Stanford University