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The course will discuss ethical principles of UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights; each lesson focuses on one of the principles of the Declaration. Real dilemmas are discussed including ethical dilemmas during the COVID-19 epidemic. Students will be asked to explore real cases and articles dealing with bioethics, according to the principles of bioethics. Actual solutions are discussed. The course includes interviews with world leaders of bioethical research. Grades are given to answers, where indicated in the syllabus below, at the end of each week: the students are asked to assign a principle (or more than one) of the UNESCO declaration to bioethical dilemmas. They are required to participate in discussion forums. There is no final test or thesis. Welcome! We are looking forward to seeing you.
It is possible to join the course until April 15. Participants must answer the questions from previous lessons in order to get credit.
At the end of the course students will be able to identify ethical issues in medicine and health sciences. They will be able to provide reasonable justification ethical decisions and be able to apply ethical principles of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.
Week 1: March 9-15
In Part 1, the introductory part of the course, we describe ethical law, bioethics, and the major principles of UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. Naturally, I am happy to get to know you in this section and to learn your expectations for the course in the course forum.
Week 2: March 16-22
Topics to be covered:
Human dignity, human rights
Principle 4: Benefit vs. Damage - Explanations
Case Study: Benefit vs. Damage
Principle Five: Autonomy and Individual Responsibility
Case Study: Maintaining Autonomy
Principle 6: Informed Consent to medical treatment
The principle of consent in the framework of the Patient Bill of Rights
Principle 8: Respect for human vulnerability and personal integrity
Case Study: Principle 8
Principle 9: The Privacy and Confidentiality of Patient Data
Week 3: March 23-April 5
Topics to be covered:
Principle 10: Equality, Justice, and Fairness
Principle 11: Non-discrimination and non-labeling
Principle 13: Solidarity and Cooperation
Principle 13: Examples of International Aid
Principles 14 and 17: Social Responsibility, Health, and Environment Protection
Principles 15 and 16: Sharing of Benefits and Protecting Future Generations
Week 4: April 6-12
Topics to be covered:
Informed consent
Right of the Patient to Receive Information
Medical Staff Consideration of the Patient’s Religious Background
Informed Consent: A Clinical Case Study
Week 5: April 13-19
Topics to be covered:
Principles 6-7 and informed consent
Informed Consent of Minors, and Bone Marrow Donation from a Minor or the Incapacitated
Informed Consent from the Incompetent, the Underprivileged, and the Defenseless
Refusing Medical Treatment and Giving Informed Consent
The Right Not to Know
Graded Questions
Week 6: April 20-26
Topics to be covered:
Informed Consent in Transplants
Facing Unexpected Cases Conflicting Interests of an Individual versus Society
The Clinical Approach vs. the Social Approach
Graded Questions
Week 7: April 27-May 4
Topic to be covered:
Ethics and Animal Experimentation
Graded Questions
Week 8: May 5-12
Topic to be covered:
Covid-19- Prioritizing treatment, benefits and risks, compulsory public health measures, vaccine rationing, bioethics and social distance, corona passport, Herd immunity
COVID-19 Interviews
Graded Questions
Week 9: May 13-20
What is bioethics for you?
End-of-course Survey