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Better futures start here. Save up to 30% for International Women's Day with code IWDEDX25 through March 26. Learn more.
24,515 already enrolled!
The main objective of this course is to become familiar with the basics of the French language.
Several tools will be at your disposal to facilitate your French learning:
videos that follow the daily lives of three students (Rachel, Mathieu, and Xavier) and two professors (Miss Simard and Mr. Tremblay);
videos that help you to develop your knowledge of French;
sociocultural clips that help you to discover more about Montreal and Québec;
charts that introduce you to phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar;
a discussion forum that allows you to interact with other French learners that are taking this MOOC;
interactive activities that help you to apply the concepts explained in the charts and videos;
quizzes that test your knowledge.
All types of learners can benefit from this course!
At the end of this MOOC, you will be able to:
get in contact with others;
introduce yourself to others;
talk about yourself and your activities.
You will master the following linguistic notions, which will help you to achieve the 3 objectives listed above:
the basic vocabulary of everyday life;
basic vocabulary specific to the academic field;
the basics of French syntax;
the basics of French phonetics (Québec variety);
the sociocultural elements necessary for an understanding of Québec society.
Module 1: The basics of the French language
Module 2: How to get in contact with others
Module 3: How to introduce oneself
Module 4: How to get to know other people
Module 5: How to talk about one’s activities
Collaborators list :
Contents experts
Responsable de programme, École de langues,
Faculté de l’éducation permanente, Université de Montréal
Pedagogical development
Coordonnatrice des cours de français langue seconde
Chargée de cours, École de langues,
Faculté de l’éducation permanente, Université de Montréal
Evaluation kit
Conseillère pédagogique
Centre de tests de français, École de langues,
Faculté de l’éducation permanente, Université de Montréal
Scientific and technical assistants
Étudiante de 1er cycle, deuxième année
Baccalauréat Enseignement du français langue seconde,
Faculté des sciences de l’éducation, Université de Montréal
Étudiante de 1er cycle, deuxième année,
Baccalauréat Enseignement du français langue seconde,
Faculté des sciences de l’éducation, Université de Montréal
Jean Ignace OLAZABAL
Responsable de programme - Toxicomanie, Gérontologie
Faculté de l’éducation permanente, Université de Montréal
Directeur gestion des opérations académiques
Faculté de l’éducation permanente, Université de Montréal
As Rachel
As Mathieu
Projet coordinator and technopedagogical advisor
Tetyana TSOMKO
Conseillère technopédagogique,
Centre de Pédagogie Universitaire (CPU), Université de Montréal
André Guay
Concepteur en médiatisation,
CPU, Université de Montréal
Concepteur en médiatisation,
CPU, Université de Montréal
Concepteur en médiatisation,
CPU, Université de Montréal
Vincent RICHER
Technicien en gestion de l'information numérique,
CPU, Université de Montréal
Off camera voice
Conseillère pédagogique,
CPU, Université de Montréal
Quality control
Vincent LABERGE,
Conseiller technopédagogique et pédagogique,
CPU, Université de Montréal