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HarvardX: Judaism Through Its Scriptures.

4.5 stars
21 ratings

Learn about the key beliefs and practices of Judaism through an examination of its sacred texts and their interpretation.

4 weeks
5–10 hours per week
Progress at your own speed
Optional upgrade available

There is one session available:

61,596 already enrolled! After a course session ends, it will be archivedOpens in a new tab.
Starts Oct 25

About this course

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For over two millennia, Jews throughout the entire world have been committed to reading, interpreting, and living their scriptures. But what are the Jewish scriptures? When were they written? And why are they relevant in the 21st century?

This religion course introduces students to the diversity of the ever-expanding Jewish canon and the equally diverse ways of reading it. It will examine how Jews, ancient and modern, drew inspiration and guidance from the traditional texts while simultaneously reinterpreting their contents in light of new circumstances. The religion we call “Judaism” emerges at the nexus of text, interpretation, and lived tradition.

Whether you are a long-time student of the Jewish scriptures or a complete newcomer, this course will give you a new understanding of the fascinating roles that sacred texts have played in the rich history of Judaism.

At a glance

What you'll learn

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  • The diversity of Jews and Judaism
  • Key facts about the primary texts of the Jewish canon
  • The role that scripture has played and continues to play in the lives of Jews
  • Why the sacred texts of Judaism continue to matter in the 21st century

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This course is part of World Religions Through Their Scriptures XSeries Program

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Expert instruction
7 high-quality courses
Progress at your own speed
7 months
5 - 10 hours per week

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