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IsraelX, Technion: Science Communication

Discover how science can become news, stories, and entertainment. Learn from international experts in science communication from around the world.

10 weeks
2–4 hours per week
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Starts Sep 6

About this course

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This course explains why science communication is important and what it looks like in practice. It also teaches you the basic concepts and fundamental skills you need to master science communication yourself. The course explores research-based, practical ideas and inspiring stories from the field based on conversations with over fifty expert interviewees worldwide, including best-selling popular science authors and leading science communication researchers. Our list of over 50 distinguished experts includes:

* Prof. Neil Shubin, paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and author of Your Inner Fish

* Dr. Simon Singh, physicist, and author of Fermat's Last Theorem

* Clare Matterson, Former Director of Engagement at the Natural History Museum, London

* Prof. Bruce Lewenstein, an early member of the science communication scholarly community and former editor of Public Understanding of Science

* Prof. Baruch Fischhoff, a world-renowned authority on risk communication and member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and

* Dr. Keren Landsman, physician-epidemiologist and author of fantasy novel The Heart of the Circle

Who would benefit from this course?

* scientists, STEM professionals, and graduate students in STEM and science communication;

* teachers and informal science educators;

* science communicators, including journalists, public information officers, museum curators, and other content producers;

* anyone seeking to develop their science communication skillset to advance their career; and

* anyone interested in the relationship between science and society in the 21st century.

After completing the readings, watching over 20 hours of video, and working on your assignments – including your very own interview with a scientist – you will be well on your way to becoming an effective science communicator. If you are interested in advancing your career, you'll have a portfolio to showcase your skills in science communication upon completing the course.

The online learning modules were developed following a course taught for over a decade at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology by Professor Ayelet Baram-Tsabari.

At a glance

  • Language: English
  • Video Transcripts: اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ, English, עברית
  • Associated skills:Risk Management, Research, Journalism, News Stories, Selling Techniques, Science Communication, Epidemiology

What you'll learn

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* How to communicate research clearly and in an engaging manner

* Dialog, listening storytelling, and creative writing

* How to engage the public through citizen science and community science

* How to communicate effectively with journalists, decision-makers, and the public

Incorporating contemporary science in the classroom and informal learning environments

1. What is science communication and why is it important?

2. Why and how do scientists communicate with the public?

3. How do we turn science into news?

4. Is scientific knowledge power? Science in the public debate

5. How do we turn research into a good story?

6. Science museums in the 21st century: from dissemination to public engagement

7. Public participation in scientific research

8. Science Communication for decision-makers

9. Diversity, equity, and inclusion

10. Science in culture, science as culture

Learner testimonials

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"I took the course even though I had already fulfilled the credit requirements towards my Ph.D. degree. In my opinion, it should be a required course, especially for graduate students." (Fall/Winter 2021-2022)

"While most of my studies involve solving equations and crunching numbers, this course gave me a different and refreshing intellectual stimulation. The interviewees were interesting and diverse, and each chapter covered a new perspective." (Fall/Winter 2021-2022)

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