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This course focuses on innovation and entrepeneruship in the food sector. We will see some important aspects in innovation such as defining what is an entrepreneurial mind and the importance of opportunity recognition and ideas generation.
Then we will consider the role of entrepeneurs from internal and external actors in our business temas, such as employees and scientists. Following this we will focus on what value we are providing the market, the knowledge of customers needs and maintaining a sustainable business model.
Finally, we will concentrate on a main aspect of all businesses, that is, the financial part of it including sources of funds and basics of startup financing.
Some basic maths.
• The key aspects of I&E in the food sector
• The characteristics of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship
• The importance and role of the team
• Understand different types of and the creative path towards innovation
• Recognize the importance of a sound financial plan
Head of research and innovation at Department of Food Science • University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor at the National Institute for Food • Technical University of Denmark
PhD in Food Science and Technology • Universitat Politècnica de València