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This course is created as cooperative work of experts from all ENHANCE Universities. The aim of the MOOC is to create a new European academic space for the interaction between innovative technological progress, society, and our environment. Technical and social developments are mutually dependent and influence each other, why it is important to promote interdisciplinary learning.
With a focus on science and technology studies, this course is about extending your perspectives to learn about being responsible and making responsible decisions. The MOOC is integrated into a platform-based eLearning environment, filled with video lectures, slides and additional texts. In three phases, anticipation, action and reflection, you will get to know more about sustainability, responsibility, ethics, and related topics and why it is important to learn about them as future innovators of tomorrow. You will learn to think independently and critically, become open-minded towards special needs, and act responsibly.
The MOOC aims to create a new European academic space for the interaction between innovative technological progress, society, and our environment. Therefore, this course is created as a cooperative work of experts from all ENHANCE Universities. The following persons have contributed to the MOOC (in alphabetical order): Sabine Ammon (TU Berlin), Sebastian Bernhard (RWTH Aachen), Hernan Bobadilla (Universität Wien), Niel Conradie (RWTH Aachen), Marie Decker (RWTH Aachen), Nele Fischer (TU Berlin), Tim Hildebrandt (Tu Berlin), Carmen Leicht-Scholten (RWTH Aachen), Michele Loi (Politecnico di Milano), Mats Lundqvist (Chalmers University of Technology), Wenzel Mehnert (TU Berlin), Melih Özkardes (RWTH Aachen), Mara Tanelli (Politecnico di Milano), Lorenzo Urbano (Politecnico di Milano), Esther Villajos (Universitat Politècnica de València), René Von Schomberg (RWTH Aachen), Martina Vortel (TU Berlin), and Claudia Werker (TU Delft).
This MOOC is open to everybody who is interested in learning about social responsibility and responsible technological development. The course is intended for all Bachelor students, even if you are not part of one of the ENHANCE universities (RWTH Aachen, TU Berlin, Chalmers University of Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, die Politecnico di Milano, Universitat Politècnica de València, Warsaw University of Technology) and does not require any prior knowledge.
1) Anticipation – Students study the fundamental facts and problems within topics like the research and innovation (RRI) concept, Ethics and Impact-Assessment, Gender and Diversity as well as Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence.
2) Action – Students learn about actions or about projects that give credit to the topics addressed in phase 1. Further, they learn how to apply the gained knowledge as future researchers and innovators.
3) Reflection – Phase three contains a reflection about the course while giving credit to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulated by the United Nations.