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To what extent are we truly aware of the decisive influence of our relationships with our parents in early childhood, upon the entire course of our adult lives?
Here's an opportunity to 'open your eyes' to what every person should know.
This developmental psychology course invites you to go on a journey into the emotional, social and cognitive world of children. We will learn about the connection between relationships with significant people during early childhood and the developmental processes. We will discover how relationships during infancy continue to shape our personalities and affect our intimate relationships, our parenting styles and even our work style as adults.
Developmental psychology is a core academic course in the first and second years of many different fields of study. It is recognized as professional development by the Ministry of Education and is recommended to the public, and it is especially right for you, since you are interested in the processes, dilemmas and issues involved in parenting and child development.
What do students say about the course?
"The course was very interesting, provided plenty of room for growth, and enabled collaborative learning even though it was online. The content was very clear. The lecturer was organized, led the course fairly, and gave it a personal feel despite the distance learning."
"The online psychology course felt even more intimate than a frontal course! The invitation to listen and share personal stories allowed me to express the dilemmas and thoughts that I had, into a large but contained space of the most intimate and anonymous colleagues one could ask for ..."
"Neta is a wonderful, sensitive lecturer, with tremendous knowledge of child and adolescent psychology, a model in teaching and human relations. She has led the team in rare professionalism and humanity. I learned a lot from this course and I am confident that I will apply the insights I have learned at the appropriate time and place in my professional career."
"On a personal note, I wanted to thank you, Neta, for a fascinating and enriching course! I learned a lot of new perspectives to watch for the best development of children. "
"On this occasion, we wanted to thank you, Neta, for a wonderful year of teaching and enrichment, for allowing us to stop and reflect, to see ourselves, and delve into our thinking. Thank you also for the personal example you gave us, for the sense of security and the welcoming and pleasant atmosphere you created among the members of the group. This is certainly one of the most useful and significant courses in graduate school."
"During the course, I was exposed to a diverse range of experiences that allowed me to have a real and personal observation of myself in the past - as a child, as a teenager and in the present as a wife, mother, and as a career woman in changing dynamic relationships. These observations sometimes made me laugh out loud. These insights also gave me a new awareness of relationships that I was involved in but didn't always understand "
"I wanted to say thank you for such an interesting course that made me learn, think about, feel, experience and understand all sorts of personal and internal processes that are going on within myself. Thank you for all the great tools you have given me."
Answer: The course is academic and should be recognized by most institutions as a basic course in developmental psychology.
Question: Could the course be relevant for couples without children?
Answer: The course is relevant for anyone interested in child development and the meaningful relationships that shape our personalities from early childhood and throughout adulthood.
Question: Will the course be beneficial for mental health professionals?
Answer: The course is relevant and important for any psychotherapist or anyone who cares for children.
Question: What will I get at the end of the course if I complete all the material?
Answer: An academic certificate from Gordon College, an Israeli institution of higher education of good reputation with over 60 years of experience in training educators and caregivers of children and youth.