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Learn about film and filmmaking with online courses and programs

From Hollywood blockbusters to short films and independent theater, storytelling is an opportunity to examine aspects of humanity. Studying film can provide insights into the world of human experience and emotion while learning what makes a good story.

What is filmmaking?

Filmmaking is a form of creative expression and a visual medium consisting of moving pictures, sound, and other elements that tell a story. People make films to convey a narrative, spread ideas, invoke emotions, or communicate information. As a result, film and TV shows provide audiences with the chance to understand different perspectives, enjoy entertainment, and connect with others.

Studying film can provide a deeper understanding of storytelling elements like storyboarding, pacing, and editing. Learners can also cultivate a stronger appreciation for the various filmmaking styles and cultural experiences that can be shared through video media.

From production and filming to editing and promotion, there are many people involved in the filmmaking process. Learning about filmmaking can open up exciting career opportunities in the entertainment industry. No matter your learning goals, edX can help you reach them with engaging courses on film and filmmaking.

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Film and filmmaking course curriculum

Want to understand the evolution of film and its historical impact? Maybe you want to learn about the birth of film and the impact of technology on the industry. Whatever your interest, you can find courses that explore various elements of film and filmmaking, such as:

  • The history of the studio system

  • How to analyze a film

  • New technologies in the film industry

  • Filmmaking for global audiences

  • Filmmaking as a reaction to major political events

  • Market and distribution demands of entertainment industries

  • Creative risk-taking, uncertainty and unfamiliarity

Learning about filmmaking can provide new perspectives on this visual medium and prepare you for a wide range of careers. edX offers a variety of educational opportunities for learners interested in studying these topics, as well as a host of other disciplines. A boot camp can provide flexible hands-on learning for those who want to upskill quickly, while executive education courses are designed for busy professionals. You can also pursue a more comprehensive curriculum in a bachelor’s degree program or, for more advanced learners, a master’s degree program. Find the right learning path for you.

Explore jobs in film

Creating and promoting a film involves many different roles, each of which requires its own unique skill set. Curious about the jobs you might qualify for once you’ve completed your filmmaking education? Here are just a handful of film industry titles you can pursue:

  • Director: Responsible for the creative the vision of the film and oversees the overall production process.1

  • Screenwriter: Writes the film script and shapes the narrative, including dialogue, plot, and character arcs.2

  • Art director: Helps translate the production designer's vision into practical sets, props, and visual elements.3

  • Video archivist: Responsible for preserving and maintaining film materials to ensure their longevity and accessibility for future generations.4

  • Publicist: Handles the promotion and publicity efforts for films to generate buzz and interest.5

While many of these roles exist within similar industries, employment qualifications for careers that may utilize filmmaking knowledge and skills differ based on the position and employer. Some roles may require a higher level degree while others may only ask for a demonstration of skills that can be acquired in a boot camp, for example. Before deciding on which learning path will work best for you, research potential roles you hope to pursue and align your coursework with your professional aspirations.

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  1. Film Director Job Description: Top Duties and Qualifications. (2023). Indeed. Retrieved August 17, 2023.

  2. How To Become a Screenwriter or TV Writer (With FAQs). (2023). Indeed. Retrieved August 17, 2023.

  3. How To Become Art Director in Film in 7 Steps (Plus Duties). (2023). Indeed. Retrieved August 17, 2023.

  4. How To Become a Video Archivist (With Job Duties and Skills). (2022). Indeed. Retrieved August 17, 2023.

  5. What Does a Publicist Do? (Plus Common Skills). (2023). Indeed. Retrieved August 17, 2023.