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IMFx: VITARA - Reform Management Specific Topics: Managing A  Reform Program

IMFx: VITARA - Reform Management Specific Topics: Managing A Reform Program

Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration (VITARA) is a joint initiative of four international organisations: the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), the Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

VITARA Reform Management Specific Topics: Managing a Reform Program introduces tools and methods in planning, monitoring and reporting tax administration reform programs, approaches to resource reforms, manage risks and resourcing tensions, successful change management practices as well as the concept of post-implementation evaluation.

There is one session available:

After a course session ends, it will be archived.

Starts Jan 14
Ends Apr 15