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State-Bank-of-India: Agriculture Supply Chain Finance

Understanding the concept and scope of supply chain, learning various activities/stages involved in agriculture supply chain management to meet the financial needs of different stake holders.

Agriculture Supply Chain Finance
5 weeks
1–5 hours per week
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This course is archived

About this course

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The course covers the model of supply chain mechanism with emphasis on financing agriculture supply chain. It equips the learners with comprehensive coverage of related inputs. After undergoing the course, the learners would acquaint themselves with various activities involved in agriculture. supply chain and the imperative for its financing.

At a glance

  • Language: English
  • Video Transcript: English
  • Associated skills:Finance, Agriculture, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain

What you'll learn

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* Overview of supply chain management with emphasis on agriculture. supply chain.

Means of financing main activities such as storage, logistics, processing etc. * of agriculture. supply chain covering agriculture. commodities, horticulture, dairy, poultry products etc.

* Challenges in agriculture. supply chain and strategies to overcome such issues.


Overview of supply chain management, supply chain landscape & means of finance


Financing ‘Storage’ facilities in agriculture. supply chain

Week 3

Financing ‘Logistics’ in agriculture. supply chain.

Week 4

Financing ‘Processing activities’ in agriculture. supply chain.

Week 5

Emerging trends, challenges, way forward and conclusion

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