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Learn digital leadership with online courses and programs

A company’s digital assets can help establish authority and even achieve business goals. Digital leaders can determine the best ways to leverage those assets and ensure a smooth transition when adopting new technologies. Learn how with courses on edX.

What is digital leadership?

When new technologies emerge, people and businesses race to discover its capabilities and learn how they can incorporate it into their own activities. However, even the most seemingly simple advancements can have a steep learning curve. Not to mention, it can be difficult to understand the full potential of adopting new innovations.

Digital leaders help their organizations prepare for digital transformation. They determine the necessary financial resources, training, and management needed for a successful transition. It’s also important that they stay on top of developments within technology and engineering. These efforts can help them keep their company competitive and highly efficient.

If you want to contribute to your organization’s productivity while keeping an eye toward the future, a career in digital leadership could be right for you. With edX, you can explore courses that can give you a better idea of what it’s like to work as a digital leader. Take your next professional step today.

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Digital leadership course curriculum

Digital leaders are able to inspire and guide their teams to create innovative products and business solutions. A beginner course can help you hone new leadership abilities and learn how to contribute to company strategy. Topics may cover both hard and soft skills, such as:

  • Creating shared value

  • Empowering innovators

  • Finding the “sweet spot” for innovation leadership

  • Innovating for global impact

  • Developing self-awareness

Additional leadership coursework can help strengthen your foundational studies. This may include learning the difference between leadership and management, the importance of understanding others, and various leadership styles.

Learning about digital leadership can supplement your knowledge of business strategy. edX offers a variety of educational opportunities for learners interested in studying these topics, as well as a host of other disciplines. A boot camp can provide flexible hands-on learning for those who want to upskill quickly, while executive education courses are designed for busy professionals. You can also pursue a more comprehensive curriculum in a bachelor’s degree program or, for more advanced learners, a master’s degree program. Find the right learning path for you.

Explore digital leadership jobs

When a company is planning a digital transformation, it impacts many teams and departments beyond the leaders who initiate the change. Professionals in different industries and roles can benefit from understanding the role that digital leadership plays in overall organizational strategy. These include:

  • Chief information officer (CIO): Needs a deep understanding of digital leadership to guide their company's digital transformation efforts.1

  • Digital marketing manager: Understands digital leadership to create effective online marketing campaigns and utilize digital tools to reach target audiences.2

  • Project manager: Needs an understanding of digital leadership to effectively plan, execute, and monitor projects.3

  • Cybersecurity analyst: Must be aware of digital leadership principles to protect an organization's digital assets and maintain data integrity.4

  • Retail manager: Needs to understand digital leadership to adapt to e-commerce trends, implement omnichannel strategies, and enhance the customer experience.5

Each of these roles will have different education and skills requirements. For example, you may be able to build relevant skills in a cybersecurity boot camp. However, some employers may seek candidates with a degree in marketing or computer science, depending on the role. Before deciding on a specific learning path, research the positions you hope to pursue and align your coursework with your career goals.

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  1. Chief Information Officer (CIO) Definition, Meaning, and Salary. (2022). Investopedia. Retrieved September 25, 2023.

  2. What Does a Digital Marketing Manager Do? (And Requirements). (2023). Indeed. Retrieved September 25, 2023.

  3. Project Manager Job Description: Top Duties and Qualifications. (2023). Indeed. Retrieved September 25, 2023.

  4. What Information Security Analysts Do. (2023). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved September 25, 2023.

  5. Retail Store Manager Job Description: Top Duties and Qualifications. (2023). Indeed. Retrieved September 25, 2023.