Learn CSS Grid with online courses and programs
CSS Grid is a powerful module for building websites with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Develop practical knowledge of CSS Grid layouts and CSS programming skills with online courses delivered through edX.
What is CSS Grid?
Take a look at the webpage you’re on right now. You should see a number of elements, from text to photos, arranged in a precise way. Ideally, that arrangement remains consistent regardless of the web browser or device you use. Achieving this consistency is a crucial part of web design and development. CSS Grid can help make the process more efficient.
CSS Grid is a two-dimensional web layout module of CSS that allows you to create flexible and responsive web layouts within a grid system. It makes it easy to define your web page’s rows and columns, then place elements within those rows and columns.1
To use CSS Grid, you first build CSS grid layout elements with HTML and then specify the size and position of those elements with CSS. CSS Grid is used with other CSS layout modules, such as Flexbox, to create complex and adaptable web layouts for various devices.
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The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
International Supply Chain Education Alliance
International Supply Chain Education Alliance
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Technische Universität München
International Supply Chain Education Alliance
Raspberry Pi Foundation
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
International Supply Chain Education Alliance
International Supply Chain Education Alliance
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Technische Universität München
International Supply Chain Education Alliance
Raspberry Pi Foundation
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
CSS Grid course curriculum
If you’re interested in creating more complex and responsive CSS layouts, you may find an online CSS Grid tutorial helpful. There are also many CSS Grid cheat sheets, guides, and courses available online. These introductory courses may cover:
Setting up a grid container: This involves building a grid container element on an HTML page and defining the size and structure of the grid using CSS properties.
Positioning grid items: This covers how to place grid items inside the grid container, and specify their size and position.
Building CSS Grid layouts: This includes creating layouts with a CSS Grid template or interactive CSS Grid generator.
Debugging CSS code: This explores how to inspect, test, and debug CSS Grid layouts to fix common layout issues.
To make the most of a CSS Grid tutorial, it helps to first have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS.2 HTML is the markup language used to structure and format content on the web, while CSS is a stylesheet language that controls the look and formatting of a webpage written in HTML. This formatting includes elements such as colors, fonts, and layout. CSS Grid lets you structure content with HTML and design the layout of that content with CSS.
If you’re interested in learning CSS Grid, a coding boot camp can familiarize you with HTML and CSS properties, style attributes, and best practices for debugging a CSS Grid. Other front-end web development courses can also round out your knowledge of CSS Grid and show you how it fits into the larger field of web development. edX offers a variety of online courses, degree programs, and boot camps for anyone interested in further developing their skills.
Explore jobs that use CSS Grid
Because it can make the coding process much more efficient, CSS Grid is a fundamental web layout module for web design and development jobs. These include web designers, front-end developers, user experience (UX) designers, and full-stack developers.3
For example, a CSS developer might use CSS Grid to:4
Create complex web layouts that work on various devices
Adjust the size and positioning of web elements
Test and debug a webpage to maximize responsiveness and efficiency
CSS Grid also offers a wide range of applications. If you’re unsure whether you want to pursue web development or another career path, a boot camp can be a great way to explore a new topic. Obtaining a bachelor’s degree in a field such as computer science or a master’s degree in a related field is another way to gain foundational skills for a web development career.
How to use CSS Grid as a developer
Aspiring web developers can benefit from learning to use CSS Grid in their work. Although CSS is technically a style sheet, it is often considered a front-end programming language. This means that both front-end and full-stack web developers can benefit from understanding how CSS works.
While developer jobs will vary in their specific responsibilities, many use a variety of programming languages and skills. Before getting hands-on experience with CSS Grid, it’s important to build a foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are considered the building blocks of front-end web development. Understanding how they work can make it easier to develop your CSS Grid skills.
Once you have a general understanding of coding languages, design tools, and how the web functions, you can work toward building a web development skill set, creating content, developing a portfolio, networking, and ultimately applying for jobs.
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Frequently Asked Questions
A Complete Guide to CSS Grid. (2022). CSS-Tricks. Retrieved December 16, 2022.
HTML & CSS. (2022).W3C. Retrieved December 16, 2022.
20 Top Career Paths for Tech Geeks. (2022). Business.com. Retrieved December 16, 2022.
What CSS Developers Do and Why You Need One. (2022). Toptal. Retrieved December 16, 2022.
Last updated February 2023