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RISC-V is a free and open instruction set architecture (ISA) enabling a new era of processor innovation through open standard collaboration. This course will guide you through the various aspects of understanding the RISC-V community ecosystem, the RISC-V specifications, and some technical aspects of working with RISC-V.
This course is designed for RISC-V enthusiasts, hardware and software developers, and technology hobbyists interested in how an open source ISA is breaking down barriers and opening up opportunities in the microprocessor world.
While this course will not teach you everything you need to know about how to design your own RISC-V processor, it will help experienced developers understand what is different about RISC-V from other architectures, and give you a clear path to getting started with RISC-V in any area of the computer industry. More than that, we will show you how to work within the RISC-V community so you can understand what exists, what is coming soon, and how you can help us make the magic happen. The course showcases a series of assembly language code examples for you to get familiar with the technical aspects of the ISA and assembly language.
No specific prerequisites, although some basic knowledge of computer architecture and programming will certainly help.
Describe the nature, history, and ongoing practices of RISC-V as a technology, an international organization, and a community of developers and implementers.
Describe the technical aspects of the RISC-V ISA.
Put the RISC-V ISA into action with a simulator running simple assembly language applications.
Choose the right development tool for your next RISC-V related project.
Chapter 1: Getting to Know RISC-V
Chapter 2: Exploring the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture
Chapter 3: Hands-On RISC-V Assembly Language
Chapter 4: RISC-V Development Tools
Chapter 5: Meeting the Demands of Today's Computing
Final Exam (Verified track only)