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Craft a rewards strategy that motivates top talent and drives results.
Learn how to align market insights with your company's values and goals. Stop the talent churn, boost engagement, and watch your business soar!
Rewards are a fundamental aspect of human motivation, and the workplace is no exception. While traditional compensation packages are important, successful organisations are rethinking their rewards strategies to align with the needs of today's workforce.
This course delves deep into the world of rewards and recognition, going beyond the basics of salary and benefits. You'll explore how to design a strategic programme that not only attracts and retains talent but also fuels performance and fosters a positive work environment.
What you’ll learn:
This is a five-week, intermediate, self-paced course and delivered through engaging content, making it easy to fit into your busy schedule.
Enrol today and take your HR career to the next level!
Week 1: Making rewards meaningful
Week 2: Reward-based performance
Week 3: Putting rewards into context
Week 4: The right value of every job