Blockchain Basics
Introduction to Blockchain. Blockchain terminology. Blockchain properties. Centralization vs Decentralization. Blockchains in action. A brief history of Money. Properties of Money. How is Money created? Chaumian E-Cash and the Issue of Double Spending.
Introduction to Bitcoin and Ethereum
Money backed by computation. Hashcash and Proof of Work. Bitcoin Blockchain. How Bitcoin solves double spend issue. Bitcoin Issuance. Introduction to Ethereum. Smart Contracts. Difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum. Ethereum Transactions.
Blockchain and Cryptography
Cryptography in Blockchain. Public/Private keypairs and how do wallets work?
Hashing and Block Mining
What is a Hash? Properties of Cryptographic Hashing. How Bitcoin blocks are mined? Anatomy of a Bitcoin Block. What is Forking? What is Hashpower? How can miners tamper with PoW? Energy implications of PoW. What are the other ways to mine/validate a Block? Proof of Stake.
Blockchain Nodes and Networking
Distributed systems. Can I run my own Blockchain node? How do Blockchain nodes communicate? Interfacing with Blockchain network. Full node vs Archive node vs light client. Consensus in depth.
Web3 and the Future of Blockchain
What problems can Blockchain solve? L0, L1 and L2 Blockchains. Anonymity and confidential transactions. zkledger. zkrollups. Scams and Attacks. Culture. Public policy. Regulations. Blockchain governance. Cryptocurrencies and DeFi. DAOs. Interoperability and Scalability. NFTs. Metaverse. Decentralized computing.