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Façades are the most visible part of a building, yet they do not receive the attention they deserve in education – and they should! Façades play an important role in creating a healthy indoor environment, contribute to sustainable building practices, and are key in reducing operational costs due to their potential longevity. Above all, they can give a building the beautiful look that sets it apart from any others in the surroundings. International experts from TU Delft, TU Darmstadt and Eurac Research have teamed up to create a series of courses on façade engineering to close this knowledge gap.
This course will guide you through your first steps as a façade specialist. To achieve this, we will explore both the theoretical aspects and the construction technologies involved in façades. This course will take you through the historical development of façade technologies and system types, providing you with an analytical understanding of the reasons behind modern façade designs. You will familiarize yourself with various façade typologies, their applications and technologies, the range of material options available and their implications for the design. This will include a wide variety of façade typologies, including traditional, contemporary and innovative designs. The technical strategies employed to realize different façade systems will be meticulously reviewed, providing you with an analytical understanding of façade construction requirements, challenges, and best practices.
The course is delivered through lectures, supported by a comprehensive reader that serves as a lasting resource for both the learning and for future reference. Additionally, the course features several case studies, highlighting real-world applications and historical best practices. You will also review an array of historical and modern façade constructions from around the world, providing insights into different architectural styles and cultural influences. You will also be guided to external resources for further exploration.
By the end of the course, you will be able to accurately identify different façade systems and use your technical knowledge to determine which systems and materials are best suited to specific applications.
Before beginning this course, the learner should have a background in architecture, building or structural engineering.
After completing this course, the learner will be able to:
Module 1 – The 5 W’s of façades: Introduction to façade design and engineering
In this module, the key aspects (who, why, what, where, when and how) of façade design and engineering will be explained. In addition, learners will be taken on a journey to review the history of façade technology development. This will be accomplished through a short overview lecture of different historical façade typologies and multiple supporting case studies.
Module 2 – Façade Typologies
This module will introduce learners to different façade types in a series of lectures, supported by diagrams and example projects. Learners will become aware of the advantages and challenges of each category, and will critically analyze the façade typologies themselves. We will examine:
Module 3 – Façade Technologies
This module will cover the different technical approaches used to realize the façade typologies discussed in Module 2. Each construction technology will be reviewed with a focus on how each system type solves various design requirements (i.e. watertightness, tolerances and movements, and attachment strategies). We will consider:
Modules 4 &5 – Façade Materials
In these modules we will take a look at the different materials used for façade construction and their implications. Learners will be introduced to the various production techniques for those materials, and their advantages and disadvantages. We will discuss:
Module 6 – Recap and final assessment