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Overcome the internalized barriers to your success as a woman in the workplace and embark on a journey of reflection.
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Societal and cultural beliefs have long dictated a woman’s opportunities in the workplace. Although the conversation around women in leadership has increased in recent years, women continue to use male-normed management theories, and face unique challenges once in positions of power.
The purpose of the Rotman Women in Leadership online program is to reveal and address these systemic barriers and empower women within business. Developed by the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, this six-week program delves into the historical and cultural constructs that have shaped belief systems of what it means to be a woman in the workplace. You’ll gain development tools and communication skills to overcome barriers to success, and be exposed to a global and diverse cohort of fellow women leaders.
The program analyzes the impact of gender stereotypes and focuses on building your leadership presence through non-verbal cues and emotional intelligence. You’ll learn to overcome inner obstacles such as imposter syndrome and understand how an inner dialogue is produced and harnessed. Upon completion of the program, you’ll have your own leadership plan, based on your personal goals and leadership vision.
This program is applicable to women across industries, in business and government. It holds particular value to women who are currently in leadership and management positions, but will also benefit those who aspire to move into these roles. Women executives and managers will gain the opportunity to elevate their leadership skills, presence, and effectiveness. Aspiring leaders will have the chance to develop their leadership skills and take the next step in their career journey. Women who are looking to empower other women will gain more insight into gender inclusivity and how it’s fostered in the workplace, and become more aware of internalized workplace challenges.
While the program is designed for those who identify as women and non-binary professionals, those who identify as male are welcome as well.
Develop a unique leadership vision and voice as you work through the weekly modules of this online program.
Orientation module: Welcome to your Online Campus
Module 1: Women in the workplace
Module 2: Reflect on your own motivations and wants
Module 3: Overcoming inner obstacles to success
Module 4: Develop your leadership presence
Module 5: Communication and conflict management
Module 6: Craft a personal leadership vision
Explore women’s leadership and earn a certificate of professional achievement from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.
Assessment is continuous and based on a series of practical assignments completed online. In order to be issued with a digital certificate, you’ll need to meet the requirements outlined in the program handbook. The handbook will be made available to you as soon as you begin the program.
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) offers funding to qualifying Canadian citizens.
Rotman Financial Assistance (2022).
The percentage of women who are in senior management positions within North America.
Catalyst (Aug, 2020).
GetSmarter, an edX partner, delivers career-relevant, fully supported, and expert-led online courses from the world's leading universities and institutions. As an online learning expert with over 15 years' experience, GetSmarter leverages long-standing expertise in market research, data analysis, and business insights to ensure that you gain the skills critical to career growth.