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Respond to unique industry challenges, and develop a strategy that drives innovation and creates a distinct competitive advantage for your firm.
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Traditionally, professional service firms (PSFs) have been able to rely on their technical knowledge as a way of standing out in the market. However, the modern business landscape has become increasingly complex, and what was once a competitive advantage is now a basic business prerequisite.
The Oxford Leading Professional Service Firms Programme is designed to give senior leaders and partners in PSFs a crucial market edge. With a new set of competencies, you’ll be equipped to enhance your service offerings and transform your firm for a sustainable future. The programme focuses on leadership and strategy to address challenges distinct to PSFs, and provides an exclusive Oxford model to optimize your personal, firm and account for growth. Led by Programme Director and industry pioneer Michael Smets, you’ll learn to transition from an individual expert to an orchestrator who brings together teams, drives collaboration, and leads change. You’ll engage with the Swirl Model, a unique framework developed from Oxford Saïd research, which outlines the factors that drive continuous self-development and the components of a winning performance. By using this model within your own context, you’ll be empowered to deliver excellent client-centric services, broaden your reputational footprint, build your partner relationships, and enhance your expertise through learning. You’ll also walk away with a strategy for innovation and growth, securing a competitive advantage for you and your firm.
This programme is designed for people working within professional service firms, either as senior managers or current and aspiring firm partners. Professionals from industries such as finance, accounting, IT, law, consulting, advertising, and insurance will have the opportunity to optimize their skills by focusing on leadership, strategy, and innovation.
Partners will have the opportunity to gain people management skills in order to better mitigate challenges unique to PSFs and drive innovation in their firm. By learning to transform firm capabilities, individuals will become prepared for the next stage of their career – equipped to manage and retain top talent, and develop a strategy that secures a competitive advantage.
Develop a strategy for transformational innovation as you work through the weekly modules of this online programme.
Orientation module: Welcome to your Online Campus
Module 1: From expert to orchestrator: Redefine your contribution to competitive advantage
Module 2: Excellence with relevance: Deliver client-centric services through bundling
Module 3: Becoming known: Grow your reputation through compelling communication
Module 4: Beyond the trusted partner: Grow strategic relationships through partnering
Module 5: Ahead of the curve: Future proof your capabilities through collaborative learning
Module 6: The big win: Leading transformational innovation in your firm
Discover how to achieve a competitive advantage within professional service firms and earn an official certificate of attendance from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.
Assessment is continuous and based on a series of practical assignments completed online. In order to be issued with a digital certificate, you’ll need to meet the requirements outlined in the programme handbook. The handbook will be made available to you as soon as you begin the programme.
Emerging technologies are one of the top trends impacting PSFs, with artificial intelligence being applied to 61% of mid-sized to large consultancies – up 38% from last year. (Feb, 2020).
The top opportunities in the professional services industry will be within the design, research, promotional, and consulting services segment.
Business Wire (Jul, 2019).
GetSmarter, an edX partner, delivers career-relevant, fully supported, and expert-led online courses from the world's leading universities and institutions. As an online learning expert with over 15 years' experience, GetSmarter leverages long-standing expertise in market research, data analysis, and business insights to ensure that you gain the skills critical to career growth.