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Better futures start here. Save up to 30% for International Women's Day with code IWDEDX25 through March 26. Learn more.
Learn how to offer vital legal support by administering key technical and operational tasks.
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As professionals who offer much-needed assistance to licensed lawyers, paralegals play a vital role in professional legal environments.
The University of Cape Town (UCT) Paralegal Practitioner online short course aims to equip you with both the legal knowledge and the practical skills to fill this important function. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the South African legal system, and be introduced to the Bill of Rights, the South African Constitution, and areas of private law, criminal law, and business law.
To give you a competitive edge, the course concludes with several modules on legal reading, writing, interviews, and research, preparing you to take on a wide range of technical and administrative responsibilities.
This course is designed for aspiring paralegals, legal assistants, and legal secretaries eager to unlock new career opportunities and work at a law firm or in a commercial environment. The content will also appeal to existing paralegal practitioners who want to refine their skill set, update their knowledge of local law, and expand their scope of influence within their organisation.
Understand the main disciplines and divisions of the law as you work through the weekly modules of this online short course.
Orientation module: Welcome to your Online Campus
Module 1: Introduction to South African law
Module 2: Sources of South African law
Module 3: Classification of South African law
Module 4: Introduction to the legal and paralegal profession
Module 5: Private law and civil law procedures
Module 6: Criminal law and the law of criminal procedure
Module 7: Business law
Module 8: Law of evidence
Module 9: Courts and alternative dispute resolution
Module 10: The Constitution and the impact of HIV/AIDS on the law
Module 11: Human rights
Module 12: Legal comparison and perspectives on the law
Module 13: Legal language and reading
Module 14: Legal writing
Module 15: Legal argument, logic, interview and oral advocacy skills
Module 16: Legal research skills
Acquire the expertise to become a paralegal practitioner and earn an official digital certificate of completion from the University of Cape Town.
Assessment is continuous and based on a series of practical assignments completed online. In order to be issued with a digital certificate, you’ll need to meet the requirements outlined in the course handbook. The handbook will be made available to you as soon as you begin the course.
The percentage by which employment of paralegals and legal assistants is projected to grow up to 2028.
US Bureau of Labor Statistics (Sep, 2019).
The number of new legal aid matters that arose in South Africa in the 2017–2018 financial year.
Legal Aid South Africa (2018).
GetSmarter, an edX partner, delivers career-relevant, fully supported, and expert-led online courses from the world's leading universities and institutions. As an online learning expert with over 15 years' experience, GetSmarter leverages long-standing expertise in market research, data analysis, and business insights to ensure that you gain the skills critical to career growth.