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Better futures start here. Save up to 30% for International Women's Day with code IWDEDX25 through March 26. Learn more.
Gain up-to-date skills to build effective training programs as an instructional designer.
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The evolution of the modern workplace — including the rapid progression of technical and environmental disruption — has made the upskilling and reskilling of employees a vital concern for organizations worldwide. These changes have increased the need for learning opportunities that address the specific requirements of businesses. At the same time, it’s heightened the demand for those with the skills to create and implement engaging, effective learning material.
The Instructional Design online short course from the University of Cape Town (UCT) gives you the tools to create effective learning experiences and embrace a new role as an agent of change. Gain a holistic understanding of the fundamental principles of instructional design, including content curation and using learning management platforms, with a focus on African and emerging-market contexts. On the course, you’ll learn to use incentivisation tactics, particularly gamification, to achieve learning goals. You’ll also explore the links between instructional design and organizational goals, and build a portfolio of transformative instructional design work that applies directly to your current context.
By offering a holistic approach to instructional design, this course provides you with the tools to make an impact as an agent of change within your organization. The current importance of upskilling and reskilling means that this course also allows you to increase your organizational impact if you work in human resources (HR) or corporate training. If you’re a teacher or educator, you’ll get the opportunity to expand your career to new horizons and apply your skills to broad contexts. You’ll also have the opportunity to gain up-to-date insights into the latest developments and applications of instructional design. If you’re interested in a career in the fast-growing instructional design industry, this course offers you key skills and a portfolio of instructional design work for application in multiple contexts. Ultimately, you’ll gain the knowledge and practical tools needed to foster long-lasting, positive change through education and training.
Build a transformative instructional design portfolio as you work through the weekly modules of this online short course.
Orientation module: Welcome to your Online Campus
Module 1: Foundations of instructional design
Module 2: The instructional designer as agent of change
Module 3: Learning management platforms
Module 4: Instructional design models and processes
Module 5: Analysis for content creation
Module 6: The principles of learning design
Module 7: Gamification and the role of e-learning tools
Module 8: Course implementation and evaluation
Acquire a comprehensive understanding of instructional design and earn an official certificate of completion from the University of Cape Town.
Assessment is continuous and based on a series of practical assignments completed online. In order to be issued with a digital certificate, you’ll need to meet the requirements outlined in the course handbook. The handbook will be made available to you as soon as you begin the course.
The share of business leaders who expect employees to pick up new skills on the job.
World Economic Forum (Oct, 2020).
The percentage of employees who report that gamification incentivises them to work harder.
World Economic Forum (Mar, 2021).
GetSmarter, an edX partner, delivers career-relevant, fully supported, and expert-led online courses from the world's leading universities and institutions. As an online learning expert with over 15 years' experience, GetSmarter leverages long-standing expertise in market research, data analysis, and business insights to ensure that you gain the skills critical to career growth.