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Begin your journey in compliance management with practical knowledge of the laws and legislations that make up the regulatory field in South Africa.
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Compliance is a crucial facet of any business or industry, and failure to assess and respond to risks can have catastrophic effects on your organization. On the Compliance Essentials course from the University of Cape Town (UCT), you'll learn the fundamental principles of compliance management, enabling you to assist in limiting liabilities and, ultimately, avoid the legal and financial repercussions of non-compliance. Designed by experts from UCT, this course uses the Generally Accepted Compliance Practice (GACP) framework and the King IV Code to provide you with the necessary principles and guidelines to work in this space. As you work through the modules, you’ll develop the confidence to address potential issues and make recommendations to your team. You’ll also explore the value, scope, and complexities of the role compliance plays in your business and within the broader legislative landscape.
After completing this course, you’ll receive a one-year student membership to the Compliance Institute Southern Africa (CISA). Should you complete both UCT compliance online short courses offered by GetSmarter, part of edX, within a one-year period, you’ll then get a two-year CISA membership.
The UCT Compliance Essentials online short course does not have entrance requirements and is aimed at those new to the world of compliance and legislation. Professionals looking to move into this key business function will gain the necessary skills and understanding to apply for a compliance position. For those whose position already requires them to work closely with compliance functions in their organization, it can provide the expertise to confidently make recommendations, perform risk analyses, and draft reports. Given the increasing demand for compliance literacy, developing your knowledge of this field may help facilitate career growth in a variety of industries.
Develop crucial compliance skills as you work through the weekly modules of this online short course.
Orientation module: Welcome to your Online Campus
Module 1: The context of compliance management
Module 2: Corporate governance and compliance
Module 3: The role of a compliance function in an organization
Module 4: The law and compliance universes
Module 5: Legal interpretation
Module 6: Risk management in organizations
Acquire invaluable insights into compliance best practices and gain a deep understanding of industry standards and earn an official certificate of completion from the University of Cape Town.
Assessment is continuous and based on a series of practical assignments completed online. In order to be issued with a digital certificate, you’ll need to meet the requirements outlined in the course handbook. The handbook will be made available to you as soon as you begin the course.
The market value Steinhoff has lost since it emerged that top executives had perpetuated accounting fraud to the sum of $7.4 billion.
Mail& Guardian (Oct, 2019).
The percentage of organizations that fear reputational damage resulting from non-compliance.
ITWeb (Feb, 2019).
GetSmarter, an edX partner, delivers career-relevant, fully supported, and expert-led online courses from the world's leading universities and institutions. As an online learning expert with over 15 years' experience, GetSmarter leverages long-standing expertise in market research, data analysis, and business insights to ensure that you gain the skills critical to career growth.