Sales management executive education programs
Successful sales managers need advanced skills in sales strategy, data analytics, and customer relations. Learn how to manage a high-performance sales team through a sales management executive education program.
See all executive education programsWhat is sales management executive education?
Sales executive education programs help professionals improve their sales management skills. Enhancing your knowledge of pricing strategy, customer relations, and sales staffing and recruiting methods can potentially elevate your employment opportunities in business and finance.
Students often complete executive education courses as part of a cohort, working together with other sales management students to satisfy program requirements.
The cost of an executive education in sales management may vary by provider. Though completion times may vary, most part-time programs run for six to nine weeks.
See all sales management executive education programs
University of Cape Town
University of Cape Town
SDA Bocconi School of Management
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
How can a sales management executive education program impact my professional goals?
Building sales management skills can help you qualify for high-growth, in-demand jobs across business and finance sectors. For example, graduates of a sales executive education course may be eligible for advanced customer-facing sales positions or gain an advantage in seeking funding as an entrepreneur.
Sales management executive education programs also train students to use metrics to analyze and interpret sales goals and lead sales teams on behalf of a company or organization. You may choose to enhance your sales management skills to adjust your corporate sales strategy, earn more revenue for your company, or recruit the top talent for your corporate sales team.
Who should enroll?
The following are among the ideal candidates for a sales executive education program:
- Sales development representatives aspiring to a managerial or executive role
- Sales agents looking to improve their customer relations or internal human resources (HR) skills
- Sales managers aspiring to better understand sales metrics and strategy
- Professionals considering pursuing a degree in accounting, finance, or business
What you'll learn
Sales management executive education courses often address the following skills:
- Strategic pricing and finance management
- Sales data tools and metrics
- Sales force management
- Distribution channel management
- Ethical marketing
- Digital sales management
- Enterprise sales strategy and marketing
- Social media sales analytics
- Applying sales strategy to non-profit business
- Consumer analytics and sales strategy
- Customer relations for sales-driven organizations
- Sales and finance accounting for global corporations
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Take your sales force to the next level with a sales management executive education course at edX.
See all sales management executive education programs