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UBCx: Quantum Computing for Your Classroom 10-12

4.3 stars
7 ratings

Quantum Computing for Your Classroom is an activity focused, self-paced course designed to help educators integrate an exciting new field into their physics and computer science classrooms.

Quantum Computing for Your Classroom 10-12
4 semanas
2–3 horas por semana
A tu ritmo
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Verificación opcional disponible

Hay una sesión disponible:

Una vez finalizada la sesión del curso, será archivadoAbre en una pestaña nueva.
Comienza el 7 nov
Termina el 31 dic

Sobre este curso

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Quantum computing is one of the primary emerging new technologies of our time. Currently there is an “understanding gap” between scientists engaged in research and the business community looking to transition research to commercialization. This course seeks to help bridge that gap by providing activities and knowledge of quantum computing that high school educators can integrate into their existing classrooms, providing the children of today with the futureproof skills needed for tomorrow.

De un vistazo

  • Institution UBCx
  • Subject Física
  • Level Intermediate
  • Prerequisites
  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsPhysics, Computer Science, Commercialization, Quantum Computing, Research

Lo que aprenderás

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Intro & Welcome

  • Instructor Introduction
  • Overview of course
    • Content
    • Structure and Navigation

Module 1: Nature of Computation

Core Idea: Throughout history humans have utilized various physical phenomena to perform computations

  • The history and evolution of computers
    • Looking at past inventions and investigating the underlying physical phenomena which allows them to function
    • Ex:, Abacus, Sundial, Thermostat, Slide Rule

Module 2: Classical Computing

Core Idea: Classical computers utilize electricity and bits to perform digital math and logic calculations in a general-purpose way

  • Representing information as digital bits
  • Utilizing electricity and digital circuits to perform computation
  • Types of problems and time differences needed to solve them

Module 3: Quantum Phenomena

Core Idea: Identifying the features of quantum systems

  • Evolution of the atomic model
  • Understanding wavefunctions, interference, superposition and entanglement in quantum systems

Module 4: Quantum Computers

Core Idea: Quantum phenomena can be utilized for the purposes of computation

  • How quantum computers utilize quantum physics to solve problems
    • Bloch Sphere
  • Quantum problems
    • What types of problems can quantum computers solve
  • Quantum Logic
    • How quantum gates are formed, and how this can be used to solve computational problems

Preguntas frecuentes

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What technology/equipment do I need to take these courses?

  • This course involves using browser based activities which can be completed on any laptop or desktop computer with an internet connection.

Do I get anything upon completion?

  • Yes! Upon completion of each course you will receive a certificate along with access to the many resources!

Can I take these courses if I don't teach in BC?

  • Of course! Anyone can sign up for these courses. Our courses will reference BC's curriculum throughout, however, you could modify the activities to fit your local curriculum.

Do I need any materials to complete this course?

  • No, additional materials are not required to complete this course. There are recommended ones contained within several of the

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