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IIMBx: Quantitative Marketing Research

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5 ratings

Learn how to design a quantitative market research project, and implement specific methods, interpret data and come up with marketing decisions.

Quantitative Marketing Research
5 semanas
3–4 horas por semana
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Comienza el 19 feb
Termina el 1 may

Sobre este curso

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Marketing research is crucial to marketing managers, as it helps answer crucial marketing questions using data. In this course, we introduce quantitative marketing research techniques in conjunction with key marketing concepts. The participant is introduced to the design, implementation and interpretation of quantitative market research projects.

The participant is introduced to the concept of value and willingness-to-pay, along with how to use auctions to estimate this. We then cover conjoint analysis, where the concept of value as a function of different attributes is discussed. We then move on to cluster analysis, where we discuss market segmentation based on different value propositions that different customers may seek.

Finally, we discuss ethical issues in marketing research, going beyond its technical aspects.

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsValue Propositions, Marketing Concepts, Conjoint Analysis, Research, Quantitative Marketing Research, Marketing Research, Market Research, Market Segmentation, Marketing, Addressing Ethical Concerns, Cluster Analysis

Lo que aprenderás

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  • An introduction to the concept of value
  • Value and willingness-to-pay
  • The marketing research process
  • Estimating willingness-to-pay using auctions
  • Elements of quantitative survey design
  • Segmentation using cluster analysis
  • Ethical issues in marketing research

Plan de estudios

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Week 1: Value and Willingness to pay

  • Setting the Framework
  • Elements of Value
  • Value and Willingness to Pay (WTP)
  • An Example: WTP
  • From Problem Definition to Decision Making

Week 2: Indirect Measurements of Value

  • Exaggeration Bias
  • Second Price Auctions
  • The Van Westendorp method
  • Conjoint Analysis

Week 3: Survey Design, Constructs and Scales

  • Defining Survey
  • Asking the Right Questions
  • Common Pitfalls in Survey Design
  • Construct Validation
  • Likert Scale
  • Cronbach’s Alpha

Week 4: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

  • Defining STP
  • An Example: STP
  • k means clustering algorithm
  • Application of k means clustering to market segmentation

Week 5: Ethics of Marketing Research

  • Ethical Dilemmas
  • Price Discrimination
  • Privacy and Targeted Advertising
  • Influencer Marketing

Este curso es parte del programa Brand and Marketing Research Strategy Professional Certificate

Más información 
Instrucción por expertos
3 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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4 meses
3 - 4 horas semanales

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