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UCDavis: Interactivity with JavaScript and jQuery

This course is the third in our JavaScript for Beginners Specialization. The scripts will become more complex and introduce more complex jQuery plugins.

Interactivity with JavaScript and jQuery
4 semanas
2–5 horas por semana
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Una vez finalizada la sesión del curso, será archivadoAbre en una pestaña nueva.
Comienza el 16 sept

Sobre este curso

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You will have several challenges to practice your skills throughout the course.

The course objectives include:

  • How to identify objects in JavaScript
  • Create new objects and populate them with data
  • Manipulate objects by adding, modifying and deleting data in objects
  • Manipulate the DOM based on the data in objects
  • Identify and articulate how multiple functions work together to create a more complex program
  • Identify processes for breaking larger programs into smaller, more manageable pieces

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Lo que aprenderás

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The course objectives include:

  • How to identify objects in JavaScript
  • Create new objects and populate them with data
  • Manipulate objects by adding, modifying and deleting data in objects
  • Manipulate the DOM based on the data in objects
  • Identify and articulate how multiple functions work together to create a more complex program
  • Identify processes for breaking larger programs into smaller, more manageable pieces

Este curso es parte del programa JavaScript for Beginners Professional Certificate

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Instrucción por expertos
4 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
Avanza a tu ritmo
4 meses
2 - 5 horas semanales

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