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UC3Mx: Introduction to Java Programming: Writing Good Code

4.1 stars
21 ratings

Learn to program in an easy and interactive way and enter the fascinating world of computer science.

5 semanas
5–7 horas por semana
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Comienza el 27 feb
Termina el 30 jun

Sobre este curso

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This is an introductory course to learn programming with Java designed to teach how to code good programs in Java, understanding “good” as both correct and efficient. Basic principles of software engineering will be introduced to make it easier for our future self and others to reuse code. Ethical issues and the intellectual property of our programs will also be addressed in the last part of this course. Examples and case studies will be provided, so that learners can implement simple but increasingly complex programs in Java.

Emphasis is put on immediate feedback and on having a fun experience. Programming knowledge is not only useful to be able to program today’s devices such as computers and smartphones. It also opens the door to computational thinking, i.e. the application of computing techniques to every-day processes.

This course is designed taking into account the subset and recommendations of the College Board in order to prepare learners for the Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science A exam..

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcripts English, Español
  • Associated programs
  • Associated skillsAddressing Ethical Concerns, Smartphone Operation, Computational Thinking, Software Engineering, Java (Programming Language), Computer Science

Lo que aprenderás

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  • Detect and correct common programming errors at compile time
  • Detect and correct common programming errors at run time using debugging tools
  • Check that the program does what it has to using unit testing processes
  • Compare the efficiency of two programs in terms of the resources used
  • Model simple programs using basic software engineering techniques
  • Determine if a program has been developed respecting ethical considerations

Plan de estudios

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1. Debugging
The first week starts from basic errors that occur at compile time and at run time when developing programs, and introduces debugging as a powerful and flexible strategy to detect and correct errors. The Eclipse IDE Debugger will be used to illustrate the debugging process with practical examples. 2. Reasoning & Testing
The second week addresses formal mechanisms to test that programs do what is expected of them, introducing unit testing processes, particularized in the JUnit framework for testing programs written in the Java language. 3. Complexity
The third week analyzes programs from the point of view of efficiency in the use of resources, such as computation time and storage, and presents simple mechanisms to improve the efficiency of Java programs. 4. Software Engineering
The fourth week introduces basic principles of software engineering with the aim to improve robustness, modularity, reusability and maintainability of programs. 5. Ethics
The last week studies ethical issues related to software development, including privacy, legal issues, intellectual property rights, and social ramifications.

Este curso es parte del programa Introduction to Java Programming Professional Certificate

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Instrucción por expertos
3 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
Avanza a tu ritmo
4 meses
6 - 8 horas semanales

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