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FedericaX: Italian Language around the world

Learn the history and evolution of the Italian language over time, as a language of communication and culture

Italian Language around the world
5 semanas
6–8 horas por semana
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Comienza el 21 feb

Sobre este curso

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The Italian language has spread around the world thanks to songs, cinema, theatre, opera, food and design, which means that the language itself is associated with the best of Italian production.

This language course helps you understand the Italian language, and the way it has evolved in everyday speech, as well as in its other uses and functions. The Italian language has a long and fascinating history, as it was widely used in the Mediterranean and Europe by merchants and bankers, and leading artists and writers (Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio).

This course looks at diverse aspects of Italian in today’s world, and offers a historical perspective on its roots and its role as a language of communication and culture. Examples and references to diverse verbal communication styles enable you to test out your own linguistic competence and understand the differences between spoken and written language and forms of communication.

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsLanguage Education, Italian Language, Verbal Communication Skills, Communications

Lo que aprenderás

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  • basic history of the Italian language
  • differences between the language in the past and present
  • italian in film and theatre
  • differences between the spoken and written language

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