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UCT, GSB: Introduction to Values-Based Leadership

Unpack the need for values-based leadership and learn what this means both within and external to the business context.

Introduction to Values-Based Leadership
4 semanas
2–4 horas por semana
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The many business scandals and crises that regularly dominate news headlines are proof of the need for leaders who lead according to their values and beliefs, rather than the interests of shareholders alone.

In this course from the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business (GSB), you will explore the need for values-based leadership by examining real-world cases and learning about the development of various leadership styles. In addition, this course unpacks key concepts such as morals, ethics, sustainability, and shared value while exploring the role each plays in values-based leadership. By engaging with real-world scenarios and reflecting on your own values and how this impacts your approach to leadership, this course will set you on the path to adopting a values-based leadership approach in your organization.

Curso creado con el apoyo de

University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business

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Lo que aprenderás

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  • The values-based alternative to the profit-focused business model.

  • The case for values-based leadership in business.

  • The principles of values-based leadership.

  • The differences between morals, ethics, and values.

  • The difference between personal and social values and organizational values.

  • The concept of creating shared value in an organization.

Este curso es parte del programa Values-Based Leadership Professional Certificate

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Instrucción por expertos
3 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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3 meses
2 - 4 horas semanales

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