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CISL: Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Gain the knowledge, skills, and tools to create resilient, efficient, and sustainable supply chains.

Gain the knowledge, skills, and tools to create resilient, efficient, and sustainable supply chains.

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8 semanas
7–10 horas por semana
Comienza el 12 feb 2025
Inscríbete antes del 18 feb 2025
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico

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¿Quieres más información? Ingresa tus datos para conocer más sobre este curso de GetSmarter (socio de edX).

8 semanas
7–10 horas por semana
Comienza el 12 feb 2025
Inscríbete antes del 18 feb 2025
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico

Información sobre Curso

Supply chain management is evolving at a rapid pace. From the growth of disruptive technologies to increasing social and environmental challenges, organizations are feeling the pressure to rethink operations, and harness the latest technology to create efficient, resilient, and sustainable supply chains.

The University of Cambridge Sustainable Supply Chain Management online short course focuses on the technological and environmental aspects of supply chain management to future-proof supply chains. You’ll learn how to leverage industry changes and disruptions to optimize logistics and procurement management, and build sustainable business processes. You’ll also gain an in-depth understanding of how supply chain processes impact the broader environment.

Drawing on innovative business models, integrated supply chain analytics, KPI formulations, and the latest technology, this logistics-focused course will expose you to ongoing industry transformation. You’ll be equipped with the tools to implement meaningful change in your role and organization.

This online course is designed for professionals looking to support their organisation in future-proofing their supply chain strategies to allow them to continue adding value as global sustainability evolves. It’s beneficial for members of management who want to understand how to incorporate agile and resilient mechanisms into their supply chains to benefit their organisations, whether they are new to logistics and supply chain management or simply interested in updating their skills. This course is also highly relevant for sustainability specialists, strategic professionals, and consultants. Professionals in similar positions, such as operations managers and those with certifications in freight logistics, who are looking to shift career focus to supply chain management, will gain a thorough understanding of their future career path.

Plan de estudios de Curso

Omitir Plan de estudios de Curso

Learn to build a future-focused sustainable supply chain, informed by disruptive tech and other VUCA factors, as you follow your learning path through the weekly modules of this online short course.

Orientation module: Welcome to your Online Campus

Module 1: Essentials of supply chain management

Module 2: Managing supply chains in a changing world

Module 3: Practical implications for supply chain management

Module 4: Designing efficient, resilient supply chains

Module 5: Supply chain analytics

Module 6: Innovation and supply chain technology

Module 7: Supply chain collaboration and partnerships

Module 8: Rewiring your supply chain

About the certificate

Explore and gain knowledge of sustainable supply chain management and earn an official certificate of completion from the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership.

Assessment is continuous and based on a series of practical assignments completed online. In order to be issued with your digital certificate, you’ll need to meet the requirements outlined in the course handbook. The handbook will be made available to you as soon as you begin the course.

El certificado se emitirá con tu nombre legal, y lo recibirás de forma digital una vez que hayas completado el programa, de acuerdo con los requisitos estipulados.

Algunos datos sobre el tema


The percentage of major global companies that will be using AI, advanced supply chain analytics, and IoT in supply chain operations by 2023.

Gartner (Dec, 2018).

$9.87 million

The expected global supply chain analytics market size by 2025.

Grand View Research (Aug, 2019).

¿Por qué elegir GetSmarter?

GetSmarter es un socio de edX que brinda cursos en línea con soporte completo, relevantes para el desarrollo profesional. Los cursos están a cargo de expertos en el tema y cuentan con el respaldo de las principales universidades e instituciones del mundo. Con más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector del aprendizaje en línea, GetSmarter ofrece conocimiento experto de larga trayectoria en investigación de mercado, análisis de datos y perspectivas de negocios, con el objetivo de que adquieras las habilidades esenciales para tu crecimiento profesional.