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CISL: Sustainable Finance

Explore the benefits of sustainable finance systems and develop a plan for creating a sustainable economy with long-term value returns.

Explore the benefits of sustainable finance systems and develop a plan for creating a sustainable economy with long-term value returns.

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8 semanas
8–10 horas por semana
Comienza el 16 abr 2025
Inscríbete antes del 22 abr 2025
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico
8 semanas
8–10 horas por semana
Comienza el 16 abr 2025
Inscríbete antes del 22 abr 2025
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico

Información sobre Curso

In today’s business landscape, it’s no longer sufficient for organizations to simply acknowledge global sustainability challenges like climate change, resource depletion, and inequality – they’re expected to lead the way through them.

The Sustainable Finance online short course from the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) offers the tools and insights needed to develop financial strategies that create value for society and invest in a sustainable future.

Over eight weeks, you’ll learn about the pressures, trends, and opportunities in the current financial system. You’ll also investigate the strategic business implications of social and environmental challenges, and discover how best to plan for the future through sustainable initiatives like impact investing, the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing, and positive screening.

With expert guidance from CISL faculty, you’ll gain the skills to implement sustainable finance solutions in your own context, and better understand how these strategies can positively impact your organization’s long-term value gain. This course will also give you new perspectives on how businesses, banks, and insurers are shifting to more sustainable business models that offer positive returns for both their clients and society.

This course will be relevant to anyone interested in harnessing sustainable finance initiatives to bring about positive change – both professionals currently working in the finance sector, such as financial service providers, financial advisors, sustainability consultants, and fund managers, as well as those outside the industry seeking a more practical understanding of how sustainable finance can strategically drive long-term business returns (including managers, marketing specialists, investors, and those who work with NGOs). Policymakers in the public sector will also benefit from this finance course, as will anyone with an interest in integrating environmental considerations into development planning and finance. Similarly, this course is ideal for those looking to understand how both mindsets and the broader financial system are evolving in response to social and environmental pressures and, ultimately, how this can be financially and environmentally beneficial.

Plan de estudios de Curso

Omitir Plan de estudios de Curso

Learn how to promote green finance and respond to financial risks posed by social and sustainability issues as you work through the weekly modules of this online short course.

Orientation module : Welcome to your Online Campus

Module 1: Introduction to sustainable finance

Module 2: Steering capital for a sustainable future

Module 3: Strategies that work for sustainable finance

Module 4: Rewiring risk and return

Module 5: Sustainable finance solutions

Module 6: The role of the public sector in sustainable finance

Module 7: Trends, disruption, innovation, and sustainable finance

Module 8: Creating impact

About the certificate

Learn about financial strategies that promote a sustainable future and earn a certificate of completion from the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership.

El certificado se emitirá con tu nombre legal, y lo recibirás de forma digital una vez que hayas completado el programa, de acuerdo con los requisitos estipulados.

Algunos datos sobre el tema

$200 billion

The amount JPMorgan Chase & Co pledged in 2020 for environmental and economic development deals, whilst simultaneously restricting fossil fuel loans for oil drilling and coal mining in the Arctic.

CNBC News (2020).


The number of green bonds issued worldwide in 2019, up by a quarter compared to the previous year.

CNBC News (2020).

¿Por qué elegir GetSmarter?

GetSmarter es un socio de edX que brinda cursos en línea con soporte completo, relevantes para el desarrollo profesional. Los cursos están a cargo de expertos en el tema y cuentan con el respaldo de las principales universidades e instituciones del mundo. Con más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector del aprendizaje en línea, GetSmarter ofrece conocimiento experto de larga trayectoria en investigación de mercado, análisis de datos y perspectivas de negocios, con el objetivo de que adquieras las habilidades esenciales para tu crecimiento profesional.