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Northwestern University: Strategic Change Management

Establish a competitive advantage through your organization’s ability to adapt to change.

Establish a competitive advantage through your organization’s ability to adapt to change.

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8 semanas
4–6 horas por semana
Comienza el 12 mar 2025
Inscríbete antes del 18 mar 2025
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico

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¿Quieres más información? Ingresa tus datos para conocer más sobre este curso de GetSmarter (socio de edX).

8 semanas
4–6 horas por semana
Comienza el 12 mar 2025
Inscríbete antes del 18 mar 2025
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico

Información sobre Curso

In today’s constantly shifting market, organizational change has become unavoidable. Transformative technology, business innovation, and global competition have made adaptability vital for companies that want to remain competitive in their industry. This includes having managers with the ability to perceive change in the marketplace, and who are able to pivot strategy and retool an organization, not just to remain relevant but to thrive.

The Kellogg Executive Education Strategic Change Management online program teaches you how to achieve and nurture sustainable change in your organization. You’ll gain the tools and insight to encourage creativity and implement change plans successfully. You’ll also learn to maintain strategic and organizational agility by creating a learning-ready company and effectively manage aversion to change.

This online program is aimed at professionals ready to support their organization in maintaining a competitive edge through the anticipation and management of change. It will, therefore, be beneficial to senior and middle management who want to foster change in their company, as well as those in a specific change management role. While this program is geared towards those in medium to large organizations, it will also be highly relevant for leaders of small organizations who want to effectively manage growth and scaling. It is also valuable to seniors in the human resources (HR) department — those who are traditionally responsible for these developments — looking for deeper strategic insight into change management beyond their current understanding.

Plan de estudios de Curso

Omitir Plan de estudios de Curso

Explore change management strategy and implementation as you work through the weekly modules of this online program.

Orientation module: Welcome to your Online Campus

Module 1: Formulating a strategy for change

Module 2: Organizing for change

Module 3: Metrics and motivating for change

Module 4: Organizing for execution and innovation

Module 5: Building and leading learning-ready organizations

Module 6: Becoming and remaining agile

Module 7: Managing resistance to change

Module 8: Making change sustainable

About the certificate

Create a strategy for change and earn an official digital certificate of completion from Kellogg Executive Education.

Assessment is continuous and based on a series of practical assignments completed online. In order to be issued with a certificate, you’ll need to meet the requirements outlined in the program handbook. The handbook will be made available to you as soon as you begin the program.

El certificado se emitirá con tu nombre legal, y lo recibirás de forma digital una vez que hayas completado el programa, de acuerdo con los requisitos estipulados.

Algunos datos sobre el tema


The number of organizations that are set to initiate multiple types of change in the near future; only a third of all change initiatives are a clear success.

Gartner (Nd). Accessed November 9, 2021.

$2 trillion

The amount lost in the United States each year to failed change management initiatives.

Forbes (Aug, 2020).

¿Por qué elegir GetSmarter?

GetSmarter es un socio de edX que brinda cursos en línea con soporte completo, relevantes para el desarrollo profesional. Los cursos están a cargo de expertos en el tema y cuentan con el respaldo de las principales universidades e instituciones del mundo. Con más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector del aprendizaje en línea, GetSmarter ofrece conocimiento experto de larga trayectoria en investigación de mercado, análisis de datos y perspectivas de negocios, con el objetivo de que adquieras las habilidades esenciales para tu crecimiento profesional.