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Northwestern University: Leading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Gain practical skills to uncover the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organization and lead transformative change.

Gain practical skills to uncover the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organization and lead transformative change.

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6 semanas
7–10 horas por semana
Comienza el 5 mar 2025
Inscríbete antes del 11 mar 2025
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico

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6 semanas
7–10 horas por semana
Comienza el 5 mar 2025
Inscríbete antes del 11 mar 2025
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico

Información sobre Curso

As the urgency for a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) workplace heightens, companies and individuals are seeking tangible outcomes that not only demonstrate their commitment to DEI, but effectively turn dialogue into action.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace can’t exclusively serve business value: it’s an ethical imperative. In its capacity to foster innovation, creativity, and empathy, DEI achieves results in ways homogeneous environments rarely do. But it takes awareness, sensitivity, and collaborative effort to realize potential and to deliver on commitments to improve structural and social impediments to achieving an enriching, humane working environment.

Gain the skills to lead and manage DEI initiatives in your workplace in the Leading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion online short course from the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University. Over six weeks, you’ll develop a holistic understanding of what DEI means for the modern business, and learn how certain initiatives can be executed to improve outcomes in your own context. Further develop your cultural competencies, and foster inclusivity to drive organizational value with insights from Professor Alvin B. Tillery, a thought leader in racial politics and presidential leadership.

This course is designed for any professional interested in diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, including those who lead diverse groups but may not recognize specific DEI concepts, and those with experience in DEI initiatives who may lack formal training in this field.

Advisers and managers in the DEI space, and HR specialists, recruiters, and talent managers will gain a practical skill set for fostering inclusivity in their teams and companies. People managers and supervisors will learn how to harness practical leadership tools, communication strategies and metrics, and benefit from networking with a cohort of like-minded peers. Senior managers and C-suite executives will discover how best to diversify their workforce using the innovative CREED model, and find value in turning DEI initiatives into a strategic organizational priority.

The course’s learning outcomes have broad application across various industries, including corporates, government, nonprofits, and the wider public sector.

Plan de estudios de Curso

Omitir Plan de estudios de Curso

Learn to develop an effective DEI business case as you work through the weekly modules of this online course.

Orientation module: Welcome to your Online Campus

Module 1: The diversity, equity, and inclusion landscape

Module 2: Dynamics of diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizational settings

Module 3: Opportunities and challenges of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion

Module 4: Managing and leading transformative change

Module 5: Communication strategies for diversity, equity, and inclusion

Module 6: Developing metrics for diversity, equity, and inclusion

About the certificate

Learn about diversity, equity, and inclusion and earn an official certificate of completion from the Weinberg College at Northwestern University.

El certificado se emitirá con tu nombre legal, y lo recibirás de forma digital una vez que hayas completado el programa, de acuerdo con los requisitos estipulados.

Algunos datos sobre el tema


Directors who agree that companies should be doing more to promote gender and racial diversity in the workplace.

PwC (2019).


The increased operating profit margins enjoyed by the 20 most diverse companies in the S&P 500 over the 20 least diverse firms, along with 5.9% higher stock returns.

Wall Street Journal (Oct, 2019).

¿Por qué elegir GetSmarter?

GetSmarter es un socio de edX que brinda cursos en línea con soporte completo, relevantes para el desarrollo profesional. Los cursos están a cargo de expertos en el tema y cuentan con el respaldo de las principales universidades e instituciones del mundo. Con más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector del aprendizaje en línea, GetSmarter ofrece conocimiento experto de larga trayectoria en investigación de mercado, análisis de datos y perspectivas de negocios, con el objetivo de que adquieras las habilidades esenciales para tu crecimiento profesional.