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IMD: Organizational Leadership: Driving Culture and Performance

Develop an adaptive approach to leadership to create a work environment that supports and drives employee performance.

Develop an adaptive approach to leadership to create a work environment that supports and drives employee performance.

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5 semanas
6–8 horas por semana
Comienza el 5 mar 2025
Inscríbete antes del 11 mar 2025
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico

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5 semanas
6–8 horas por semana
Comienza el 5 mar 2025
Inscríbete antes del 11 mar 2025
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico

Información sobre Curso

Traditional models of leadership tend to focus on how leaders should behave, assuming that these behaviors and tasks will lead to high performance and success, regardless of context. In a simple and stable environment, this approach may be effective, but today’s business world is far from simple or stable. As the corporate landscape becomes more changeable and complex — with multicultural teams, hybrid working, competitive markets, faster product cycles, digitalization and AI — there is an urgent need for organizations and their leaders to become more agile and flexible in how they respond. They should pay attention to the context in which they operate, be ready to deploy a range of leadership approaches, and adapt as their business landscape changes.

Based on years of research by the Program Directors, the Organizational Leadership: Driving Culture and Performance online program from the Institute for Management Development (IMD) is designed to enhance your impact as a leader. It explains how you can achieve this impact by improving and adapting the workplace environments you create for your business and teams. You’ll be introduced to, and have the opportunity to create a Leadership Operating System (OS) built on the foundations of trust, clarity, and momentum. Over five weeks, you’ll explore the elements of the Leadership OS and discover how to use it to motivate people and set the tone for organizational culture and performance. Walk away with your tailored Leadership OS action plan, ready to implement immediate changes in your own business.

This program is aimed at leaders who want to prepare for, and become more effective in, directing and supporting others to achieve objectives. It would benefit anyone who manages people — regardless of industry or company size — who wants to help foster a better working environment, and a more resilient organization. Mid- to senior-level leaders will gain a new approach to maximize their impact on individuals, teams, and, in turn, overall performance. HR specialists, strategists, consultants, and aspiring leaders will learn how to prepare for the challenges of a more globalized, uncertain, and complex business landscape. This program is for all managers and executives who would like to enhance productivity, motivation, and innovation in a disrupted business world.

Plan de estudios de Curso

Omitir Plan de estudios de Curso

Develop a leadership approach built on trust, clarity, and momentum, as you work through the weekly modules of this online program.

Orientation module: Welcome to your Online Campus

Module 1: The Leadership Operating System

Module 2: Building trust

Module 3: Creating clarity

Module 4: Generating momentum

Module 5: Making it happen: Leaving your leadership imprint

About the certificate

Acquire the skills to foster a thriving environment for your employees and earn an official certificate of completion from the Institute for Management Development (IMD).

Assessment is continuous and based on a series of practical assignments completed online. In order to be issued with your digital certificate, you’ll need to meet the requirements outlined in the program handbook. The handbook will be made available to you as soon as you begin the program.

Successful completion of this online program counts towards your IMD alumni status. Find out more.

El certificado se emitirá con tu nombre legal, y lo recibirás de forma digital una vez que hayas completado el programa, de acuerdo con los requisitos estipulados.

Algunos datos sobre el tema

1 in 3

Only a third of CEOs believe that their organization’s frontline leadership is of a very good quality.

DDI (2021).


The proportion of employees who feel their well-being has declined due to high-pressure work conditions, with more than half feeling that job demands have increased.

Deloitte (Jul, 2021).

¿Por qué elegir GetSmarter?

GetSmarter es un socio de edX que brinda cursos en línea con soporte completo, relevantes para el desarrollo profesional. Los cursos están a cargo de expertos en el tema y cuentan con el respaldo de las principales universidades e instituciones del mundo. Con más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector del aprendizaje en línea, GetSmarter ofrece conocimiento experto de larga trayectoria en investigación de mercado, análisis de datos y perspectivas de negocios, con el objetivo de que adquieras las habilidades esenciales para tu crecimiento profesional.