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Gain a set of job-ready skills from Wall Street professionals

Certificación Profesional en
Project Finance and Public Private Partnerships

Lo que aprenderás

  • Understand project finance and the public-private partnerships (PPPs) that are closely allied to project finance
  • Recognize different ways to classify projects by deal structure and customer type and review various examples of deals
  • Understand the project finance process and how to select the best deals for investment
  • Recognize the additional contracts and documents that need to be created for a project; and learn about Rating Agencies and the Loan Syndication Process
  • Recognize the key political and currency risks in project finance
Capacitación de la mano de expertos
7 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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5 meses
1 - 2 horas por semana
1550 US$
Para obtener la experiencia completa del programa

Cursos en este programa

  1. Certificación Profesional en Project Finance and Public Private Partnerships de NYIF

Conoce a tu instructor
de New York Institute of Finance (NYIF)

Jeff Hooke
New York Institute of Finance

Expertos de NYIF comprometidos con el aprendizaje en línea


NYIF was an excellent chance not only to obtain the tools I needed to improve my Skills in Public Private Partnership Project Finance, but also to expand my business network. Having the opportunity to interact with professionals with similar interests made the training richer.

Andres Farias von Riehm , Head of Corporate Treasury, Transelec

Inscríbete ahora

1550 US$
7 cursos en 5 meses
Inscríbete en el programa

Economics & Finance también disponible en edX


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