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In a time that is marked by unprecedented changes at an unprecedented speed, what contributes most in an organization's sustainaibility and growth? What helps you, as a leader, to keep ahead of these changes, sense the problems that may come yet, and keep ahead of competition? Only one thing and that is creativity. Creativity, which helps you as a firm, to keep renewing yourself, reinventing what you do, keep your strategies, your products and your services in tune with the undiscovered future.
Organizations that have survived are those which continuously reinvented themeslves. Those which did not, died. Doing old things does not give resluts in the new time. Examples of companies that suffered due to an inability to innovate or to accept change abound. Kodak, Blackberry, Nokia, Hindustan Motors are such examples. On the other hand, Amazon, Apple, Wipro, Tata are a few examples that repeatedly came up with new strategies, new products and new services which have helped them thrive over the years.
To innovate, a company needs ideas. Creativity, or the generation of novel and useful ideas, is a capability that an organization can nourish and nurture.
In this course, we will start with an introduction to creativity. We will discuss the creative personality, the creative process and the creative organization. We will look in depth on those ways in which an organization can enhance creativity to get value out of it.
We will discuss concepts and enrich those with examples. Each section will have some interesting, creative assignments which you will enjoy, while you learn through them. And, what's more, you will also be drawing out a plan to enhance creativity in your own firm or unit.
The intersting thing is that creativity is fun, it is enjoyable and exciting and everyone can be creative. Creativity is powerful, it can change your company, your world. Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowldege. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
This course has no pre-requisite qualification. You may start the course if you have registered. Some of the contents are available only in the verified mode.
Module 1. The significance of creativity for organizations
Module 2. What is creativity: definition, componential model, convergent vs. divergent thinking, stages of creative thinking.
Module 3. The creative person: trait, creative self-efficacy, affect, achievement motivation. The creative team/group: group processes. The creative organization: factors which have an impact.
Module 4. Ways to enhance relevant factors at individual level, and factors at team and firm levels.
1. What is the time commitment requirement for the course?
A. The course is likely to take approximately 4 weeks if you give 1 to 3 hours per week.
2. How do I check my grades?
A. For knowing the grading policy of this course and your own grades click the ‘Progress’ button.
3. What are the course start and end dates?
A. The course starts on Nov. 23rd, 2020 and ends on June, 30th, 2021.
4. What are learning objectives and expected outcomes?
A. Appreciate the significance of creativity in organizations.
Understand components of individual creativity.
Understand creativity in groups.
Identify the handles that leadership has to enhance creativity in organizations.
Draw out a plan to enhance creativity in your firm or unit.