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Today, people find it hard to get time. There is so much to do and so little time on hand. Interestingly, we all have the same time, and we all have 24-hour days. It depends on how you use that time. We cannot store time, nor can we borrow it, we can only use it effectively. This course is designed to make the learner understand why time is important and how we can manage it to enjoy the benefits in our personal and professional life.
Time Management is the process of exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities and planning to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. It involves juggling various demands upon a person’s social life, family, hobbies, personal interests and work commitments within the finiteness of time. If time is used effectively, people can manage tasks at their own time and with expediency. A time management system combines processes, tools, techniques and methods.
Time management includes:
Target Audience: Professionals in demanding jobs who need to manage time and maintain work life balance.
In this course you will learn the:
Module I
_ _Ø__ Importance of time
Time is money
Time is precious
Time will not come back
Time is an opportunity
Time waits for no one
Module II
Ø Benefits of time management
Reduction in stress level
Time available for more productive work
More time for leisure
Less waste of time
Image building
Module III
Ø Barriers to managing time
Poor planning
Poor pacing
Module IV
Ø Time skills
More Kairos, less Chronos
Eisenhower matrix
- Progressive & Maintenance tasks
- Urgent and Important tasks
- Identifying priorities
- Managing priorities
- Prime time
Enhancing concentration
Handling change
Clear objectives / Scheduling