1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction to the course, Sean Hill
1.2. Introduction to the Allen Institute for Brain Science data and tools, Terri Gilbert
1.3. Human Brain Atlasing, Danilo Bzdok
1.4. Graded quiz 1
2. Genetic Mapping of the mouse brain
2.1. Using whole-brain and single-cell gene expression to identify and characterize cell types, Vilas Menon
2.2. Genetic dissection of neural circuits, Trygve Bakken
3. Navigating gene expression data.
3.1. Accessing mouse gene expression data, Terri Gilbert
3.2. Navigating the human gene expression data, Terri Gilbert
3.3. Peer-graded assignment gene expression data
4. Multi-scale connectivity
4.1. Synaptic Mapping with Array Tomography, Forrest Collman
4.2. Mesoscale mapping, Jack Waters
4.3. The connectivity atlas, Terri Gilbert
4.4. Graded assignment mouse connectivity
5. Multi-scale modeling
5.1. Blue Brain, Sean Hill
5.2. Cell types and modeling, Werner von Geit & Elisabetta Iavarone
5.3. Graded assignment modeling
5.4. Building bio-physiologically constrained models of large-scale phenomena in the brain, Alain Destexhe
5.5. Graded quiz 2
6. Reconstructing micro-circuitry
6.1. Computational properties of human cortical microcircuits Huib Mansvelder
6.2. Modelling microcircuits, Michael Reimann
6.3. Graded quiz 3
7. Structure and function of the whole brain
7.1. Whole brain morpho-functional imaging: connecting a single neuron to whole brain, Francesco Pavone
7.2. Functional physiology of the mouse virtual cortex, Saskia de Vries
7.3. Brain observatory data sets, Terri Gilbert
7.4. Peer-graded homework
7.5. Graded quiz 4
8. Final exam