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TsinghuaX: New Science of Cities | 新城市科学

TsinghuaX: New Science of Cities | 新城市科学

The new urban science course focuses on technology and cities ( TECH+CITY ). It is not only the new " urban science " , that is, the use of new data, new methods and new technologies to study classic cities at the methodological level, but also the science of " new cities " , that is, understanding A study of new cities affected by disruptive technologies . This online course is divided into four modules: overview, technology, application and prospect, with a total of 13 lessons to systematically introduce the latest research progress in new urban science.

The New Science of Cities focuses on technology and city (TECH+CITY). It is not only the new "urban science", which uses new data, new methods and new technologies to study classic cities, but also the science of "new cities" that aims to understand how cities are affected by disruptive technologies. This online course is divided into four modules: Overview, Technology, Application, and Prospects, with a total of 13 lessons to systematically introduce the latest research progress of The New Science of Cities.

This course is archived