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Better futures start here. Save up to 30% for International Women's Day with code IWDEDX25 through March 26. Learn more.
Better futures start here. Save up to 30% for International Women's Day with code IWDEDX25 through March 26. Learn more.
According to Islamic tradition, the Quran is not simply an inspired scripture. It is a divine book brought down from heaven by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad, and its message is the key to heaven. Join us for an exploration of the scripture that is the word of God to over a billion people.
This course will introduce you to various aspects of the Quran, including its basic message, the historical context in which it originated, the diverse ways in which Muslims have interpreted it, and its surprisingly intimate relationship with the Bible. By the end of the course, you will gain an appreciation for the perspectives of Muslim believers and academic scholars alike on the origins and the meaning of the Islamic scripture. No background in Islam or Arabic is necessary for this course.
Join us as we discover a text which inspires many and remains at the heart of fascinating scholarly debates.