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Hong Kong Cinema has a global reach. Let’s explore how it reached you… Perhaps you know the films of martial arts icons Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan or the heroic bloodshed films of John Woo.
Perhaps you are a fan of stars such as Maggie Cheung or Chow Yun Fat. Maybe you admire works by directors such as Wong Kar Wai.
Whatever you know and wherever you are we invite you to join us on a journey to consider how the local and the global intersect to make Hong Kong cinema an integral part of popular culture around the world as well as a leading force in the development of world cinematic art.
In this course you’ll learn how flows of capital, people, technologies, ideas and creativity circulate and shape the cultural industry of filmmaking, resulting in transnational co-productions and cross-cultural co-operations. You’ll see how these dynamic processes are inflected in characterization, plot development, and space-time configurations on Hong Kong screens.
Our location in the cultural crossroads of Hong Kong allows us to introduce you to film professionals such as director Mabel Cheung and Andrew Lau, producer John Sham, film festival director Roger Garcia, and other guests, talking candidly about the industry.
During your weeks with us you’ll see demonstrations of martial arts choreography, participate in close analysis of film techniques, investigate Hong Kong global stardom, uncover the reasons for the worldwide appeal of genres such as the kung fu film, and nurture a comparative and critical understanding of issues of gender, race, migration. Best of all you’ll partner with leading researchers in the field to appreciate Hong Kong’s contribution to world cinema.
Please watch these films so that you can get the most out of the course content. Please note that you will need to acquire and watch the films on your own. We advise you see the films before each week’s material.
Here is the list of films for each week.
Week 1 – any Jackie Chan film (optional)
Week 2 – any Bruce Lee film (optional), but we suggest Fist of Fury / The Chinese Connection (dir. Lo Wei, 1972), or Enter the Dragon , (dir. Robert Clouse, 1973)
Week 3 – An Autumn’s Tale (dir. Mabel Cheung, 1987)
Week 4 – The Killer (dir. John Woo, 1989)
Week 5 – Infernal Affairs (dir. Andrew Lau and Alan Mak, 2002)
Week 6 – In the Mood for Love (dir. Wong Kar Wai, 2000)
在本課程中,我們將探討資本流動、人力、科技、 創意等元素如何在電影製作文化產業的形成過程中相得益彰,並促成跨國製作和跨文化營運。與此同時,我們亦會探索這些互動在香港電影中的人物塑造、情節發展和時空構造上所帶來的曲折變化。
在數週的課程裡,您將會目睹功夫電影的動作編排, 電影技術的周密分析,研究香港演員晉身為國際巨星的過程,探索功夫電影令全球著迷的原因,及加深對性別、種族與移民等問題上比較性和批判性的思考方式。更重要的是,您將與各路專家一起認識香港對世界電影業所作出的貢獻。
第 1 周 – 成龍的任何電影(可選)
第 2 周 – 李小龍的任何電影(可選)——建議影片 1.《精武門》(導演 羅維,1972年); 2.《猛龍過江》(導演 羅伯特* 克洛斯,1973 年)
第 3 周 – 《秋天的童話》 (導演 張婉婷,1987年)
第 4 周 – 《喋血雙雄》 (導演 吳宇森,1989年)
第 5 周 – 《無間道》 (導演 麥兆輝與劉偉強,2002年)
第 6 周 – 《花樣年華》 (導演 王家衛,2000年)
• 通過分析香港電影業的本地市場與國際舞臺之間的關係,培養您的批判和歷史思維能力;
• 在香港電影中不同的場景中尋找熟識的細節,從而拓展您對身份問題的了解;
• 通過分析香港電影業,讓您更了解全球化對社會的影響。
在本课程中,我们将探讨资本流动、人力、科技、 创意等元素如何在电影制作文化产业的形成过程中相得益彰,并促成跨国制作和跨文化营运。与此同时,我们亦会探索这些互动在香港电影中的人物塑造、情节发展和时空构造上所带来的曲折变化。
在数周的课程里,您将会目睹功夫电影的动作编排, 电影技术的周密分析,研究香港演员晋身为国际巨星的过程,探索功夫电影令全球着迷的原因,及加深对性别、种族与移民等问题上比较性和批判性的思考方式。更重要的是,您将与各路专家一起认识香港对世界电影业所作出的贡献。
第 1 周 – 成龙的任何电影(可选)
第 2 周 – 李小龙的任何电影(可选)——建议影片 1.《精武门》(导演 罗维,1972年); 2.《猛龙过江》(导演 罗伯特• 克洛斯,1973 年)
第 3 周 – 《秋天的童话》 (导演 张婉婷,1987年)
第 4 周 – 《喋血双雄》 (导演 吴宇森,1989年)
第 5 周 – 《无间道》 (导演 麦兆辉与刘伟强,2002年)
第 6 周 – 《花样年华》 (导演 王家卫,2000年)
• 在香港电影中不同的场景中寻找熟识的细节,从而拓展您对身份问题的了解;
• 通过分析香港电影业,让您更了解全球化对社会的影响。
Week 1: Introduction / Jackie Chan
In this unit, we look at Hong Kong as portrayed by Hollywood, and how Jackie Chan defines his own global image.
Week 2: Bruce Lee and the Global Kung Fu Craze
Bruce Lee is a global icon who represents the worldwide fascination with kung fu. We look at his life, works, and lasting impact in cinema and popular culture.
Week 3: Melodramas of Migration: Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting’s An Autumn’s Tale
Themes of identity, race, gender, and culture in migration intersect to create stories with historical significance. We examine the role of migration melodramas in documenting the diasporic experience.
Week 4: John Woo’s Heroic Bloodshed Films: Hong Kong vs. Hollywood
We discuss the evolution of masculinity and selfhood from early Hong Kong Shaw Brothers films to The Killer , and how Confucianism offers an alternative understanding of relationships and hierarchy.
Week 5: Hong Kong on Postmodern Screens: Infernal Affairs
We examine postmodernism in Infernal Affairs as reflected through themes of capitalism, crisis cinema, and political allegory.
Week 6: Hong Kong Cinema as World Cinema / In the Mood for Love
Wong Kar Wai is an example of an auteur filmmaker. We trace how his works influence Hollywood, and specifically discuss festival films and In the Mood for Love.
Assistant Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature • The University of Hong Kong
Honorary Associate Professor in the Department of History • The University of Hong Kong
Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature • The University of Hong Kong