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Better futures start here. Save up to 30% for International Women's Day with code IWDEDX25 through March 26. Learn more.
Better futures start here. Save up to 30% for International Women's Day with code IWDEDX25 through March 26. Learn more.
Discover and acquire the quantitative data analysis skills that you will typically need to succeed on an MBA program. This course will cover the fundamentals of collecting, presenting, describing and making inferences from sets of data.
Want to study for an MBA but unsure of the basic data analysis still required? This online course prepares you for studying in an MBA program and in business generally.
Data analysis appears throughout any rigorous MBA program and in today’s business environment understanding the fundamentals of collecting, presenting, describing and making inferences from data sets is essential for success.
The goal of this course is to teach you fundamental data analysis skills so you are prepared for your MBA study and able to focus your efforts on core MBA curriculum, rather than continually playing catch-up with the underlying statistical knowledge needed.
We also hope that learning these data analysis skills will equip you with the ability to understand, to a greater degree, the data you encounter in your working lives and in the world around you - an essential life-skill in today’s data driven environment
This course assumes no prior knowledge of data analysis. Concepts are explained as clearly as possible and regular activities give you the opportunity to practice your skills and improve your confidence.
Secondary school (high school) maths
Topic 1 - Presenting and summarising your data
Topic 2 - Decision making under uncertainty
Topic 3 - Data-based decision making
Topic 4 - Modelling for decision making