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Learn how to interpret and report systematic review and meta-analysis results, and define strategies for searching and critically appraisingscientific literature.
Discover practical ways to critically appraise scientific literature, including the conduction and interpretation of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Additionally, you will learn how to conduct literature searches using online academic databases, hear about economic evaluations, and understand how clinical practice guidelines are used to guide decision making.
This course includes the following 11 lectures:
This course is intended for anyone interested in comparative effectiveness research (CER) and patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) methods.
This course is supported by grant number R25HS023214 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Introduction course (CERTaIN.1x) recommended, but not required.
Overview of Systematic Reviews
Finding and Managing the Evidence from the Biomedical Literature
Intervention Reviews Methodology
Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials: Direct Comparisons
Introduction to Meta-Analysis: Indirect Comparisons
Meta-Analysis of Non-Randomized Studies
Diagnostic Test Evaluation
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Economic Evaluation
Decision Analysis for Outcomes Research