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“Computations” are what computers, including those utilizing Artificial Intelligent algorithms are actually doing. Learn about the basic and key concepts of computer science while experiencing how to program anddesign “computational algorithms.”
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Big data, data-mining, machine learning and AI are commonly used terms world-wide these days. We are now able to “compute” various things with computers, and it allows us to use big data and AI technology effectively. Computer Science is a field where the usage of computers and “computations” have continuously evolved.In this course, you will learn the essence of computer science. You will obtain an overview of cutting-edge computer science as well as learn the basics and introductory level knowledge of computer science, while experiencing, designing and writing your own simple programs. The video lectures in this course are delivered in Japanese and accompanied by Japanese transcripts. An English version of this course is also available on edX.
- コンピュータ・シミュレーション
- データマイニング
・プログラミング言語Ruby による基本的なプログラミング
・What is data (corresponding to an atom of data)?
・What is a computation (that corresponds to the atom of the computation)?
・Basic information security: encryption, decryption, and crypto-breaking
・Private key cryptosystems and public key cryptosystems
・Representative examples of utilization of computations in present society (Computer simulation, Data mining)
・Installation of software and the programming environments (editor, shell)
・How to use the programming environments (editor, shell) for computations
・Basic programming using “Ruby on Rails,” a programming language
“入門編として充実した内容でした。特に最後のまとめは書籍からでは得られない講師の知見を聞くことができ、本コースを受講して良かったと感じました。” - 元学習者
“プログラミング初心者でしたが、説明が丁寧になされていたので、授業内容については理解する事が出来ました。もっとRubyの学習を深めてきたいと思います。” - 元学習者
"I enjoyed myself with learning this course. Thank you." - Previous Learner