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Learn the theory, tools and algorithms of sparse representations

Professional Certificate inSparse Representations in Signal and Image Processing

What you will learn

  • Fundamental theoretical contributions of sparse representation theory.
  • The importance of models in data processing.
  • Dictionary learning algorithms and their role in using this mode.
  • How to deploy sparse representations to signal and image processing tasks.

  • Expert instruction
    0 skill-building courses
  • 0 months

Courses in this program

IsraelX and Technion's Sparse Representations in Signal and Image Processing Professional Certificate

Program endorsements

Google, Inc.

Google strongly supports the Sparse Representations Professional Certificate program. The topic is timely and important as it relates to many technical areas including imaging, computer vision, statistical science, and machine learning ­­ all of which are subject matter critically important to our work. We believe Professor Elad is uniquely qualified to teach this topic and we are excited by the possibility of the course being available worldwide. We look forward to finding many more opportunities to collaborate with Prof. Elad and his team in the future

Margaret Johnson, VP Education and University Program, Google, Inc.

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