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Prepare to join the fastest-growing career field

Professional Certificate in
Computer Science for Databases using SQL

What you will learn

  • A comprehensive understanding of computer science principles, including algorithmic thinking, software development, and problem-solving.
  • How to utilize real-world datasets to apply programming knowledge using languages like C, Python, and SQL.
  • Database design principles and the importance of SQL language for effective data management.
  • How to create and build databases, understanding how to connect SQL with other coding languages.
  • Career-relevant skills with hands-on practice developing efficient information management strategies.
Expert instruction
2 skill-building courses
Progress at your own speed
5 months
6 - 16 hours per week
Discounted price: $466.20
Pre-discounted price: $518USD
For the full program experience

Courses in this program

  1. HarvardX's Computer Science for Databases using SQL Professional Certificate

Meet your instructors
from Harvard University (HarvardX)

Doug Lloyd
Senior Preceptor in Computer Science
Harvard University
David J. Malan
Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Computer Science
Harvard University
Carter Zenke
Harvard University
Brian Yu
Senior Preceptor in Computer Science
Harvard University

Experts from HarvardX committed to teaching online learning

Enrolling Now

Discounted price: $466.20
Pre-discounted price: $518USD
2 courses in 5 months
Pursue the Program


Drive your career forward with university-backed credit programs and verified certificates


Study and demonstrate knowledge on your schedule


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Learn with university partners and peers from around the world